
Why is the price of silver going down so much?

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Over the last week or two, the price of silver has plummeted from over $17 per ounce to just a little over $12! Why?




  1. Silver is both a precious metal AND an industrial metal.

    The crash in the price is telling you the worldwide economy is slowing much more than reported by the government,  CNBC, etc.

    The market will tell you what's really going on if you listen

    Recession TRUMPS inflation every single time.

  2. It follows gold price.One reason is the stregnthning of dollar, also possibly the price previously has been hiked by greedy speculators.

  3. well. my brother is a top n underground driller in alaska. and when it was first going down couple months ago.  he was saying something about in alot of major areas they find silver there was some chemical thing going on. idk.  but that is crazy.

  4. Its part of a larger trade -

    When people were more fearful, they put their money into commodities such as oil and precious metals.  Oils particularly strong rise fueled more investors to move into commodities.

    Now that the market in general is less fearful, people are selling their commodity investments, and moving back into equities.

  5. Enjoy it while it's down.

    As far back as the 1800's silver has been a commodity which has been a favorite for being traded on the market. It's value could be manipulated through the generations.

    That's all about to come to a screeching HALT and soon.

    The market manipulators are having their last hoorah knowing that the party's just about over!

    So wait & see...and do your due diligence !

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