
Why is the price so high for adoption?

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A friend of mine was looking into it - I was shocked at the cost.

Half their wages for the year.

Why do we make it so hard to adopt children out to good, loving homes, shouldn't it be the opposite?

someone, please explain this to me.




  1. Adoption is a complicated legal process and that process costs money, pure and simple.

    The cost for the adoption process of children from foster care is considerably less expensive (even free, in some cases) because the state absorbs those costs.

  2. Because the stigma of giving birth out of wedlock has been removed, most women choose to keep and raise their own flesh and blood these days.

    Assuming you have a child, what amount of money would it have taken for you to turn that child over to a "good, loving home" someone insisted was "better" than yours, knowing you might never see or hear from that child again?  Would you have sold your child to me for the "outrageous" price of six months' worth of your salary?

    Six months of your salary is too much to give for the privilege of being a mother for life, have a child for life, building a family for life--and without even getting strech marks and hemerrhoids?  Someone, please, explain this to me.

    Children who really need homes--the ones in foster care--don't have price tags.

  3. 1. finders fees

    2. lawyer fees

    3. greedy people who think there helping needy families?

  4. they want to make sure the family that adopts them can support them, they dont want a low income family that can barely support themselves to go out and adopt a kid only to not be able to support them too

    it kind of sucks for those who want a kid but can't afford it, but it is better for the child in the end.

  5. because up until that point sombody is raising that child, and raising a child is expensive...cost doesnt start when you get the child, someone else has been bearing that cost (usually an agency) up until the child comes to you're home though its not fair, its life, everyone wishes it was easier and less expensive to get a child into a loving home but its just not that easy

  6. The "so many children" available for adoption are children (not infants) in foster care.

    There are few infants available for adoption.  But nobody wants the children in foster care.  They want infants.  And when demand outstrips supply, the price goes up.

  7. Because it's run as a business rather than the social service it ought to be

  8. I could only hope that the agency is putting that money towards the well-being of the other children that are left behind.

  9. The children who need new families are "free".  Adopting through foster care doesn't cost anything in most states.  Have your friend call her local DHS and find out about adopting through them.

  10. Many factors come into play here, mostly greed in my humble opinion.  Both of my adoptions have been either free or under $1000.  The first one was an overseas adoption, done while we lived overseas, and was all of $800 US, toss in the cost of the immigration visa and we paid $1000.  This last one is through Children's Services and it's free.  In fact, we are being supported with the child, as foster parents, until the adoption is done.  For the life of me, I can't understand why these other agencies are allowed to hold people financial and emotional hostage and charge what they charge.

  11. How come no one ever asks the agency that question?  If you did I bet you would see that private agencies are simply charging what they have to in order to cover the staff, building and utilities, advertising, insurance, birth parent counselors and legal council; among some of the expenses.  I really don't see anyone making more than the cost associated with the services provided.  If you want a professional service provided there are going to be professional fees involved.  I paid more for my last car than I did for my children's adoptions.  When people seem to apply that you are paying for the child I get so darn mad.  I am paying for the services. It simply cost money to run a good agency.

  12. Hey i am right with you as why they charge to adopt a kid that would wind up in a system if nonone wanted them. But i guess they do that it is a legal to sell babies and make tons of money. Also i think that is wrong to sell kids and that is what they are doing. But can not explain more cause i really don't know but i do know they should not be able to charge so much to adopt them. If they was smart they would relize they could take that money to raise that kid on

  13. I do not have an answer and have been wondering the same thing.  It seems like since there are so many children that need loving, nuturing homes these agencies should have more of an intrest in placing the children than capitalizing.

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