
Why is the process of stomach pumping described as horrible? ?

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i can understand uncomfortable but horrible?




  1. The tube used to pump your stomach has to pass through your "gag reflex" which can be an incredibly  traumatic experience.

  2. The part that is usually considered horrible is not the actual "pumping" which is suction. The part everyone hates is the process of getting a tube shoved in your mouth or nose, pushing that tube down the back of your throat while you gag and heave, and then leaving it there.

    If feels like  you are choking to death. If you have ever had food or drink go down the "wrong way" that left you gagging and sputtering this is what it feels like, only it stays there.

    After the tube is placed, it is connected to suction. This of itself is not uncomfortable. But the tube stuck in your throat is miserable.

  3. Hello, even the WORDS "stomach pumping" sound horrible!  

  4. because it is horrible. They shove a tube in your mouth and down to your stomach and pretty much vacuum everything out

  5. It's the tube placement that is the worst.  I've had NG tubes (nasal Gastric) tubes inserted several times and it is uncomfortable to say the least.  When the tube hits the back of your throat, your gag reflex kicks in.  This makes you gag and feel vomitty.  It also briefly interferes with your breathing which is frightening.  Actually, once the tube is in place, it is not that bad.  The suctioning doesn't hurt, and if you can totally relax, the insertion doesn't hurt.  But, the procedure is definitely scary.

  6. It's subjective. I personally can't imagine much that would be worse than having a large, minimally flexible tube passed from my nose all the way into my stomach. But that's just me. There are lots of things that would be just as bad, as far as medical procedures go, but that's one of those that I just really hope I never have to have done. I think the fact that it's usually done when one is awake makes it bad, too. You're not sedated for that.  

  7. It is a long tube being shoved down your throat and then all of your stomach's contents being sucked out. Sounds horrible to me!

  8. Well you can actually feel the tube in your stomach and the water being pumped into it, not to mention having a tube shoved down your throat.

  9. Horrifying.

    Getting a vaccination or a pap smear is uncomfortable.

    Having a tube run down your throat and then vomit forced up it, is horrible. Especially while you are already in sufficient distress to need it - poisoned or intoxicated enough for that to be necessary is already miserable. Being conscious through the pumping afterwards is awful.

  10. they stick a pipe down your throat and pump out everything in it. this is bad because you take everything out of your stomach to get better, its never a good thing.  

  11. suck your guys out

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