
Why is the " NEWS" predominantly negative stories ?

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Are people really only interested in stories that are negative or portraying bad news

Why are there so little uplifting positive stories on the main daily bulletins

I don't buy newspapers anymore and avoid the news wherever possible as it is the most depressing programme you can watch .

Anyone agree / disagree ?




  1. I think it depends on where you live.  Here in the midwest the local TV news seems to only report the bad stuff, and they don't have anything good to say about anything.  When I lived in Tampa, their local news was not so depressing.

    I tend to avoid the local TV news programs because of this.  I also avoid the daily newspaper in KC, but will buy the weekly paper from the small town I live in because it focuses more on the local community and sports activities at the high schools.

  2. Because of the negative effect liberalism has on the world.

  3. This comes up a lot.

    Go through a standard newspaper sometime and do some counting.

    Most stories are going to be pretty neutral. Congress passes bill. Red Sox beat Yankees. Movie star plugs latest work. Etc.

    Is there some bad news out there? Absolutely. If 99 out of 100 planes land safely, the 100th that doesn't get the news. Only one car was involved in a traffic accident that tied up the freeway, as opposed to all the others, and that's why it's news. And so on.

    But there are plenty of good stories out there as well. In fact, the outlets go out of their way to find them when they can. Man gives up smoking, runs marathon. Youth group raises month for the homeless. And so on.

    Granted, it's political season, and both candidates have a vested interest in pointing out things that are wrong and saying why things would be better if they were elected. Barack Obama is not going to say, "George Bush is doing a fine job; I'd only change a couple of things." But don't get discouraged -- no news is bad news for you.

  4. I agree very much so. The sad thing is, apparently the negative news sells, otherwise they wouldn't continue broadcasting it.

  5. Sure.

    Why not?

    Eerily wailing in ghostly kitchen's dialect with ghostly and deadly words from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom.

    While the reader was born and raised by the dead Mummy were the only ones who can read it.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    What do you think?

  6. " News" is about change and "news" has to be new so cannot be information about static life - however "uplifting" such stories may be..

  7. Good news doesn't sell papers. People want to read about other people's misfortunes because it makes them feel better about their own dull lives.

  8. No news is good news

  9. Negative news has the unfortunate effect of selling lots of newspapers.

    More depressing are letters and comment pages. You think, I respect people's opinions but, there are really people who write this rubbish? On purpose??

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