
Why is the "pregnant man" getting so much attention....she is not really a man.?

by  |  earlier

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You don't slap on a couple of b*****s on a man taking female hormones and call him a woman.

She never got the correct plumbing to make her a man so technically she ain't a man.

Sounds like the media is getting desperate selling stories




  1. yeppp


  2. I totally agree. A woman who wanted to be a man yet wanted to carry a child is one f*cked up person.

  3. ban her from the media..things like that,,make me sick.mary.c.

  4. It's all about feeding the media what they want to hear.

    A man -or a male of any species- does not have a uterus or ovaries. So popping male hormone pills and cutting off the b*****s and then growing a beard does not change the fact that she or "he" had ovaries and a uterus to start with.

    I say she, as I don't want to use the word he for anyone who has female parts inside them.

  5. Agreed.

  6. you are also doing the same

  7. well your helping to give "it" more attention by posting this question

  8. Finally someone who has the same opinion as me!

    (lol) "slap on a couple of b*****s" that line made me chuckle

    Your absolutely right, once a woman always a woman, once a man always a man!


  9. I tend to agree! this person who is living as a man is still a woman in my opinion, but they sure know how to work it to become known worldwide and most likely are getting rich!!

  10. that is a fair question and i can't help but wonder if she reallyw wants to be a man being as she's doing the most natural thing in the world for a woman, i think she is just depressed and lying to herself , i think something awful happened to her to make her want to change so drastically that she decided that she couldn't be hurt if she was a man but couldn't bring herself to fully go through with it.

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