
Why is the radical left so out of touch with Middle America?

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They have hijacked the party, chosen a candidate who is completely inexperienced and alienated so many long time democrats

I voted for the dems for years, it is so ridiculous it's like a completely different party now

The blogs that supposedly represent the democratic base are scary stupid: going after a young girl,making up outrageous stories, they are destroying their base pathetic!




  1. For the same reason the radical right is out of touch with middle America, e.g. study after study shows American prefer legal abortion.  But, McSame gives us an extremist, radical, off the charts cuckoo on abortion and creationism.  And mind you, I'm a Republican and a born-again Christian!  

    The left/right has hijacked the respective parties because moderates will not show up to vote in primaries for something good; but, nut cases will show up to vote AGAINST whatever stirs them up.

    Until the middle rises up and votes the nuts out, we will stay in this cycle of insanity.  A good place to start is defeating Karl Rove and his spawn, Schmidt.  That would send a message to clean up the republican act.  Then, when the Republican nominate and actual human being, I'll return to the fold an so will lots of others.

  2. The Democrats radical? - the 2 parties are virtually identical!  

  3. Yep, and it makes the dems look like fools, doesn't it?  Pathetic is right.  They're grasping.

  4. The left can't reach the middle...

  5. They have been doing that for a long time.

    I remember when the democratic party was for the working man.  The comon man.  And they still held some morals too!!

  6. You contradict yourself. The radical left is by definition radical, meaning outside the mainstream. If they are a majority of the party and perhaps a majority of the country then they aren't radicals.

    This is a democracy you cannot "hijack" a party.

  7. Does middle america mean: big business, racist, god fearing, on your own type mentality?

  8. They despise middle America.  To them middle America is their little ant farm to do with as they please.  

  9. For one thing the radical left despises middle America and thinks that they're so much better than those "gun totin', religious fanatic, hicks."

  10. Funny.  I was a Republican for 33 years until the party was "hijacked" by the radical right.

    I don't read blogs or watch 24/7 news entrainment networks, and I shouldn't be on Y/A.

  11. Excuse me, I'm from the radical left and I am NOT a Democrat

  12. Why are republicans so out of touch that they refuse to see the failure the last eight years have been?

  13. When was Obama ever 'far left'? His views and platform of change isn't 'extreme'.

    Nor have any of the 'far left' hijacked the party either.

    I just think that you're *scared* of an Obama Presidency because McCain doesn't have a chance in h**l of gaining the White House--because of his VP pick.

  14. Because they only see it from airplanes.

  15. so vote for McCain, and don't b**ch when we are fighting another war in Iran, and the national debt goes up another trillion dollars.  The rest of us will be here saying "I told you so" just like the past 8 years.

  16. Thats a great question ... you have hit the nail on the head ... they are destroying their base with this tom foolery ....

  17. Palin has enough problems to attack .. I feel sorry that the republicans threw a teenage girl to the wolves ... You can't tell me they didn't know this would come out .

         The radical right or the radical left ... they are all out of touch .

  18. I'm an independence. I'm with you. I'm wondering what is going wrong with democrats? Have they been this way?  

  19. Question - why is Middle America so out of touch with the rest of the world (basically, reality)?

    You do know there are more than two parties available to vote for, right?  Why haven't you looked into the other parties to see if they are more in line with what you believe in, instead of resigning to either Obama OR McCain.  

    You call those that govern the the Democratic party radical?  I think you should look up the definition.  They're simply a little left of center.  Might as well call them liberal Republicans.  

    Neither party is the answer.  Try looking at the Libertarian party, the Greens, Peace and Freedom... any party but the standard two is better these days.

  20. Liberal education system.

    To tickled blue :

    Obama accomplished nothing.  To advance Obama's career, a Democrat leader put Obama's name on all high profile bills just so he could say he has accomplishments.

    And co-sponsoring means nothing. It means putting your name on someone else's bill.

    From the article: Barack Obama and Me

    "Jones appointed Obama sponsor of virtually every high-profile piece of legislation, angering many rank-and-file state legislators who had more seniority than Obama and had spent years championing the bills. .. During his seventh and final year in the state Senate, Obama's stats soared. He sponsored a whopping 26 bills passed into law — including many he now cites in his presidential campaign when attacked as inexperienced. ...

    It was a stunning achievement that started him on the path of national politics — and he couldn't have done it without Jones. ... Before Obama ran for U.S. Senate in 2004, he was virtually unknown even in his own state. Polls showed fewer than 20 percent of Illinois voters had ever heard of Barack Obama."

  21. yep, my mom was a life long democrat who is now voting for mccain. she is done with all the craziness. She said that at one time Democrats were about, "ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country." Sadly, she feels it is the opposite now with the Democratic party. It is like, "gimmie, gimmie,gimmie." She feels very let down by the Democratic party.

    mccain '08  

  22. I have asked the same question. It's like they aren't even in the same country as I.  

    This latest thing, speaking of the Governor's daughter

    with disrespect is disgusting.

    Wonder if they realize how many families and women, old and young, in American have lived through this very same experience?

    Think the smug, cruel comments are winning those votes?

  23. It happens on both sides.

    I will admit thou....I always thought the democratic party was the least corrupted...until this year.  

    So much has gone wrong this year.....It makes me glad to see at least one of the candidates is preaching reform.  I think I liked politics better when I was young and simply didn't care.

  24. What is so radical?  Education? Healthcare? Energy independence?  I don't see what you mean by radical.  What I see as radical is asking teenagers to not have s*x, illegal wire taps, torchure, no bid contracts, pissing on the constitution, helping the top 5% while 95% suffer.  These things are radical to me.

  25. The radical left and the extremist right are both out of touch with the realities of middle class Americans. What America really needs is a third party whose platform is the stability of the middle class. Middle class America is the backbone of the economy. Over the past several years we have seen how lack of job security & the soaring cost of living has wreaked havoc on the US economy.

    Fortunately, the Presidential front runner (Obama) grew up a middle class American, has lived and worked in the part of a city (Chicago) where poverty is very close by and is now living as a wealthy American. I think he "gets it".

  26. Who exactly is the "radical left"?  McCain's vp wants to ban ALL abortion, even in cases of incest or rape. That's radical.  She also wants to teach creationism in schools.  That's a far RIGHT radical.

    What do you consider to be "Middle America"? People who think as you do?

  27. I  do not believe in left and right none of candidates satisfyies me; I believe in one who helps the country to be built up; Majority of Middle Americans are pretty conservative, that's why.

  28. If there is one thing politicians love more than money, it is power.  Power is the politicians’ drug of choice.  The more power they have, the more they want.  

    The far left liberals who have taken control of the Democratic Party are not destroying their party’s base.  They are just destroying its “old” base as they become its new base.  

    The Democrat’s icons of the past, notably Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy, are seldom mentioned any more. Except for the Kennedy family’s support of Barack Obama, JFK would probably not be mentioned at all.  By the standards of today’s liberal theology (and that is exactly what it is), JFK was almost a reactionary.  The Democratic Party’s standards today say you can’t be “a little bit” liberal any more than you can be “a little bit” pregnant.

    Teddy Kennedy is a liberal cast more in the mold of Hugo Chavez than his late brother.  In their famous vice presidential debate of 1988, Michael Dukakis’ running mate, Senator Lloyd Bensten of Texas, said to George H. W. Bush’s running mate, Senator Dan Quayle of Indiana, “Senator, you’re no Jack Kennedy.”  The same statement would be appropriate if addressed to Teddy Kennedy today.  

    Today’s Democratic Party is a wide-eyed, far left machine that will resort to any means to achieve its ends.  It is a globalist party that will sacrifice our sovereignty to gain a position of prominence in a new world order.  

    One of al Qaeda’s strategic goals is to bankrupt the United States.  I do not believe Barack Obama is a Muslim, nor do I believe he is an al Qaeda sympathizer.  But if his vision and his agenda are implemented, he will surely bankrupt us.  He would be al Qaeda’s ideal agent of change.

  29. They are really European style socialists these days.  

  30. Radicals hate middle america.

  31. I agree, I was a democrat until Hillary was cheated. Yes, cheated. Sorry, Obama didn't win 'fair and square', she was cheated.

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