
Why is the reason a lot of people that are considered geniuses are usually medically mentally retarded?

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What I mean is when the child is born he is diagnosed mentally retarded.




  1. I don't think such a clinical diagnosis exists.

  2. You may be thinking of autistic savants.

  3. a genius is not mentally

    retarded. perhaps

    not logical.

    but their IQ is very high.

    so they behave differently like 5 year ODs that play the piano

    like the greatest. if he

    was retarded he couldn't

    read notes for music.


  4. I don't think you know what you're talking about!  And what is "medically mentally retarded?"  There's no such thing!

  5. Because society is foolish and does not yet understand how to cope with minds of miracle matter.

  6. naztazia hit the nail on the head with Multiple Intelligences.  Most standardized IQ test are only focusing on Written/Verbal skills and Math/logic skills.  They isolate two intelligences- when in fact humans have multiple inteligences.  This is why they can be tested in the range of "mentally retarded" on standard IQ test- but can be genuises in another intelligence that isn't commonly tested for!  This is also why standardized testing in school is a crock!  (thanks to No child left behind act...)

    Children arent diagnosed as mentally retarded at birth.

  7. Might want to check out an educational psychologist named Gardner.  His theory is that there are multiple intelligences - mathematical, music, interpersonal, intrapersonal, spacial, etc.  Someone might be a "genius" in music, but really stink at all other aspects of life (substituting with the word "retarded" or "negatively challenged").  Someone might be an incredible mathematician, but can't get along with any people (interpersonal intelligence).  These "multiple types of intelligence" theory might explain what you have noticed.

  8. Yes, I have noticed that the really intellectual people don't have one l**k f common sense. I think it is just books smarts they are capable of, the real life dealings is what really throws em' for a loop. Only my opinion for what it is worth!

    I am bored so I logged on while my dinner cooks! Have a happy one.

    Oh, I wouldn't trade my common sense for all the intellect stuff in a million years. I get by just fine!

  9. Um...haven't heard of you mean Asperger's Syndrome? Because that isn't mental retardation.

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