
Why is the right side of my temple harder and bigger then the left?

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My name is david and i need some help. for about the past month i have been noticing that the right side of my temple is larger in size and harder then my left side. It feels as though there is more tissue and veins or something on my right side then my left. sometimes i get headaches on that side but I'm not sure if its just because I'm thinking about it and feeling so often or if I'm just noticing to easily. either way I'm extremely nervous about the whole situation. I'm constantly looking at peoples heads to see if there is a size difference between there right and left side of there temples. I cant stop thinking about the possibility of having a tumor or something. I had a concussion about 4 months prior and i had an MRI done to make sure there was no bleeding of my brain. Everything was fine so i try to find closure in the fact that if there was a tumor or something they would have seen it. However i still am confused/nervous as to why there is a size and texture difference to my temples..

Someone please shine some light on my situation. I appreciate any response i can get.




  1. You probably chew more often on that side and just like any other muscle in your body that gets worked more it has developed slightly more than the other. be reassured by your MRI finding. if there was anything there to worry about it would certainly show up. Try to relax!

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