
Why is the skin behind the head of my 4 yr. old sons p***s swollen?

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Why is the skin behind the head of my 4 yr. old sons p***s swollen?




  1. the same happend to my 5 yrold bro and it was the soap he was using

  2. bcause your looking at it

  3. Maybe a urine infection , but you should get the doc to check it out as youngsters are quite susceptible to infection  

  4. You need to elaborate.

  5. Is your son circumcised? You cannot be sure what the problem is without consulting the doctor but there are things you can do before you see him. If he is circumcised, the cut may have been done very loosely, in which case part of the f******n remnant may have become stuck to the rim of the glans. Some soaking in the bath-tub for 15-20 minutes to soften up the tissues will help. Then get some Q-tips and very gently push the skin remnant back to see if there is any whitish smegma trapped under the skin. If so, clean it away and apply Vaseline and / or antibiotic ointment.

    Kids often need to "grow into" their circumcisions.

    If your boy is  not circumcised, check to see if there is entrapped smegma behind the rim of the glans where the f******n is apt to be attached(this is common in kids below the age of 8 or nine). Clean this the same way and encourage retraction every day but be extremely gentle.

    Ignore the answer before mine which  makes circumcision into some sort of demonic procedure which causes damage. Circumcision serves many useful purposes and is beneficial in the prevention of AIDs infection. Hope all goes well with your child and I do recommend seeing your doctor when possible.

  6. 4yr olds are curious, he' s probably been touching it too much.

  7. possibly because he doesnt clean his p***s.

    You or your child's mother need to teach him to clean around his p***s by pulling back the forskin and teaching him to clean it, even go to the shop and buy femfresh body wash for females, get him to use that as it does not contain soap.

    if his p***s is still swollen take him to the doctors!

  8. Seems like you're a pedophile. Sorry to say this. Probably your touching your son too much.

  9. what are you doing touching your 4 year olds p***s in the first place?

  10. Quite possibly it's a complication from circumcision.    Roughly 10% of circumcisions require additional surgeries to attempt to repair damage from the first one.

    I don't know exactly why it's swollen, but if you take him to a doctor, you need to be careful, as any additional penile surgery can further damage his sensitivity and his future sexual ability.

  11. Not sure. He maybe injured it, 4 yr olds are very inquisitive when it comes to their p***s! They tend to pull/stretch it. Is it possible he has hurt himself? If not it maybe a little infection starting. wait a couple of days and if it's not improved get him checked by a doc.  

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