
Why is the sky and water blue?

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Why is the sky and water blue?




  1. The sky and water are blue do to certain elements in the Earth's atmosphere that light reflects of off which makes it blue in the color spectrum.

  2. During the day, the sky is blue because of the length in for our eyes seems like a void,'we can't see the planets',

    The water is clear, in lakes, oceans, the color blue is due to the depth of where it's contained.

  3. A clear cloudless day-time sky is blue because molecules in the air scatter blue light from the sun more than they scatter red light.  When we look towards the sun at sunset, we see red and orange colours because the blue light has been scattered out and away from the line of sight.

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  4. The sky appears blue because blue light is of a short enough wavelength to experience Rayleigh scattering. The gas molecules in air can absorb and the re-radiate blue light. This scattered light is visible from the ground. The other colors just pass right through the sky without scattering.

    The ocean is blue for several reasons. Largely, however, it's for much the same reason. The oxygen dissolved in the water scatters much of the blue light passing through the water back to our eyes and not so much the other colors. However, oceans can appear many different colors from brown to green depending on how deep, the color of the bottom, and chemicals (such as iron) present in the water.

  5. Because all our pollution makes them sad and feeling 'blue'. So they might as well become that colour.

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