
Why is the sky blue, and why is the grass green?

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I have a guess, but I want to see what you say.




  1. Because the clouds are white and the trunks of trees are brown.....

  2. The grass is green because there is Chlorophyll (a green chemical) within it.

    The reason for blue skies, I know not. Because God made the world this way. Hope this helps! :)

  3. There is something know Rayleigh scattering that depends on the inverse 4rth power of wavelength , since the blue color has a less wavelength it is scattered most in the atmosphere , same can be said for Red lights , red has more wavelength therefore it is scattered least .

    Grass is green because it reflects all the colors except the green color

  4. I just read the other answers . Did you understand all that? I agree with Blade, but can word things a bit different.


    the sunlight can be broken into different colours of the spectrum with prisms or water (like rainbows). The fastest colour is blue while the slowest is red. So closer to noon, the light comes directly to us, and the blue is more obvious. At down or dusk, the light is refracted more so the sky changes through purples and oranges to red.

    A teacher gave the example this way.

    He got 20 students to run. The fastest 10, he gave blue t-shirts to and the slowest got red.

    Then they ran again. as they were coming toward the spectators, the group appeared to be made up mostly of blue. After they past, the group seemed mostly red.

    Have I confused you more?


    it's green to distinguish the hills from the sky whether it is mid-day or sunset. Besides, I used my yellow crayons for smiles, so green is a better crayon colour for me

    That is an answer that a 5 year old would not be confused by without talking about photosynthesis and chemicals in grass

    and how do you get black roses?

    don't use water for the white rose in in the vase. Use ink.

  5. The light from the sky is a result of the scattering of sunlight, which results in a light blue color perceived by the human eye.

    Grass looks green, because it contain chlorophyll in its chloroplasts, just like leaves on trees and plants. From all the wavelengths that fall on plants only one light is useless to them, and this colour is simply reflected away, like a mirror.

    The colour of light that is useless to the plants is the green light.

  6. Different things reflect different light (colors) The sky reflects blue and the grass reflects green (cept when it is dead, and then it reflect brown)

  7. um. theres a thing called analyzing.

    you do it too much :|

    sorry, i have no idea...

  8. The sky is blue because it reflects the vast amounts of water that covers the Earth.  The grass is green because the sun brings out the chloroform in it.  Also the sky appears blue and the grass green because that is how our eyes see it.

  9. Sky appears Blue

        It is because sun light have seven colours namely violet, indigo,blue,green,yellow,orange,red.Viol... has the least wave length and red has the highest.When light rays enter the atmosphere,it scatter by hitting on the particles present there.Having less wave length colours like violet,indigo and blue scatter more and spread over there.Remaining rays come to the surface.That's why sky appears blue.

    Grass appears Green.

      The presence of chlorophyll makes grass green .All other light rays are absorbed by leaves and reflect only green light

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