
Why is the sky blue?? Scientifically speaking. Why not green or yellow?

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Why is the sky blue?? Scientifically speaking. Why not green or yellow?




  1. there are two reasons the sky is blue 1st is the nature of light it is made of many colors but appears to us as white or clear. next the atmosphere is made of many gasses not just oxygen which we breathe there is also nitrogen the most plentyful of the gasses. thees gasses affect the suns light as it travels through it. stoppping or slowing down some of the light, the color we see is the color of light slowed down. the blue waves. which is why the sky appears blue.

  2. The sky is blue because the sun reflects the color of the ocean which is blue and other particles in the air.

  3. The reason the sky is blue during the day is because of Rayleigh scattering. In case you don't know, Rayleigh scattering is the scattering of EM waves whose wavelength is greater than the diameter of the particles that scatter them. Blue light has a shorter wavelength than green and red, which allows it to be scattered the most.

  4. The sky is blue because it was made by God's likeness and there aren't any scientific's.  The scientific's come in when it storms, when tornado's come in, etc...

  5. Because molecules in the air scatter blue light from the sun more than they scatter red light.  

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