
Why is the so called experts proclaiming that generation y started in 1981?

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People who were born in 1980 to 1983 were all teenagers in 90s so the XY generation should be the one for them. Gen Y at least started in 1985.




  1. Generation x ended in 1982.

    Generation y started in 1983

  2. You do know that "Generation X" and "Generation Y" are terms invented by journalists, right?  The definition of both terms varies depending on who is using them.  The "experts" you refer to are the people who came up with the concept.

    Generation X, for instance, can mean people born between 1965-1980; the late 1950s and 1960s, or 1968 to 1979.  The book Generations, which describes this group as the "13th generation" (because this is the 13th generation to be born in the United States), considers the range to be between 1961 and 1981, based on a "cycles of history" approach.

    Generation Y, conversely, is usually defined as those born between 1980 and 1994.  Specifically, this generation is marked by having baby-boomer parents and being raised in a world with instant communication.  

    In any case, dividing people into generations is really more of a social construct.  By which I mean that it's not all that scientific.  If you identify more with one generation or another no one is going to stop you from calling yourself that, whenever you were born.

  3. Then if you don't agree with them, then why don't you go straighten them out.  I guess being a college educated expert in the field, you would know better than them.

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