
Why is the space between a man's chest and his hips called a six pack on some men???

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and not on others.




  1. Because they have a flat stomach with muscles showing.

  2. A 6 pack is another name for abs here! And some men got a beer gut and some a spare tire! Some men do work out and some don't!

  3. I guess because some men don't have good abs.

  4. six pack my a.s.s. i have a 18 pack! That is until i go the bathroom...

  5. those who are called six pack means theyre like really hot and you can see their muscles...

    the others are fat...or dont have abdominal muscles meaning they dont work out!!


  6. Some men have a six pack, others have a spare tire.  

    Guys whose abdominal muscles show visibly cut have a six pack.  In an abstract way it looks like a line of beer cans.

    A man whose abs are not visible because of some belly fat still has the same muscles.  You just don't see them because of the layer of fat on top of them.

    Now, why it is called a six pack instead of a washboard is probably out of resentment by guys who want to denigrate them by associating them with drinking beer.  It makes a beer belly less of an offense and washboard abs sound less attractive.  None of that changes how either man looks.

  7. Those are the muscles in the abdomen. When you make them stronger they tend to show, like arm muscle or leg muscle, and there's eight of them, but most men are able to only get to 6 or just stop at six when they work out.

    Women have them too just you dont see it as much as men because they show it off more >_>;

    You8 can have a flat stomach, a belly, 2, 4, 6, or 8 muscles showing, just depends on the man and how much they work out if at all.

    6 just happens to be more common in men so you might not really ever hear 2, 4, or 8

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