
Why is the study of philippines history important?

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Why is the study of philippines history important?




  1. for us to now and recall the important past happenings in our own country... and also to know who are our heroes. without our history,, probably we are not here existing right now.

  2. The reasons are legion.

    The most relevant reason at present is the Filipino experience mirrors the Iraq experience almost exactly, in terms of initial public sentiment, which transitioned to whining, which eventually led to a victory, and many "firsts" for the Asian continent.  

    Look for the same thing to happen in Iraq.  People whine and complain but all signs are we're winning.  Teddy Roosevelt stayed the course and the Filipino people were blessed with the first Democracy on the Asian continent. If you look at where Asia is today, that is prescient for the Middle East.  Learn from it.  Bank on it.

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