
Why is the sun so bright?

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I want to go out but I am sure I will melt if I do. Got any tips. I was thinking sunglasses and a hoodie.




  1. cos its a ball of fire :) lol

  2. Because it is a giant ball of plasma 1.3 million size of the Earth undergoing nuclear fusion with a surface temperature of about 10,000 degrees?

    Also, contrary to common belief, you can't actually melt. Your chemical composition is not right. Perhaps you should cover yourself with aluminum foil to reflect the sun's rays. This may not necessarily please other people, who may initiate litigation over eye damage.

  3. Its a really huge STAR, it has all these gases in it and plus its the biggest star we know about..

    anyway, it's so bright because its so close to earth..

    Wait are you albino? You should wear all white beacause it reflects the sun..and maybe a hat and sunglasses and dont forget SUNSCREEN with high SPF if your skin is sensitive to the sun

    a hoodie will acutally make you "melt" faster ( get sweaty, hotter..)

    or talk to a doctor and see what they recommend

    hope that helps  

  4. I'm so bright my dad calls me son! LOL!

  5. It has the power of millions of thermal nuclear fission bombs EVER SECOND. It's like a  400 trillion-trillion watts light. It does this through continuous fission, giving off tremendious energy in the form of heat, light and radiation. The sun is mostly Hydrogen and the tremendious heat and pressure at its core fuses the hydrogen into helium atoms. The only thing that protects us from cooking is the atmosphere and as important the magnetosphere, the magnetic field around the earth.  

    The sun is an average distance of 92,957,000 miles from planet Earth. Light travels at 186,282 miles per second. So it takes about 8.3 minutes for the light to reach Earth.

    When a nuclear fusion bomb goes off on earth the light is intense, like a mini sun, with temperatures of 6000°C (11000°F), the same as the temp of the Sun's surface. At the core of the Sun however the temp is 15 million °C, so hot that hydrogen is fused into helium.  

  6. Hmmkay, Mac.

    Your not going to melt, Thats just an urban myth!

  7. Because it's a huge ball of fire. And you will defintly melt, you should bring a cup with you outside so that when you do melt you will melt into the cup and someone can pick you up and bring you back inside.

  8. Stuff packs of ice in your hoodie pocket. That'll keep you warm for a few minutes untill you melt to death. OR just move to Alaska? If you go at the right time, you won't see the sun for days ;)

  9. well the sun it bright because it the closest star to own planet.. but y not get a tan from the sun or just wear sun block it may be to warm outside for a hoodie.. sunglasses r a good idea or maybe u should just outside around 7... the sun wont be so bright then... good luck

  10. ur not gonna melt

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