
Why is the symbol for republican an elephant?

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Why is the symbol for republican an elephant?




  1. Considering the present administration, what the first guy said.  

  2. A cartoonist from early 1900's. He also made democratic party the donkey. I think his name was Thomas Payne.

  3. To show that they are bigger a$$es than the democrats.

  4. 1874 cartoon depicting GOP elephant stomping on Democrat's pranks.  

  5. Really really big piles of poo.

    D'oh!  Beat to it!

  6. It started with a Thomas Nast cartoon in 1874, which showed an elephant stomping the 'planks' of the then-current Democrat administration to splinters.  Although associated with the party, the elephant was actually labeled, 'the Republican vote' meaning the will of  Republican citizens.  The idea was that elephants are usually placid, but powerful and frightening if angered.  The proverbial age and memory of elephants is also consistent with the party's conservative and traditionalist tendencies.

  7. Because they drop a lot of c**p.

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