
Why is the tone on my house phone fuzzy? Even 2 phone techies couldnt figure it out. Any ideas?

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Everytime I answer the phone its so hard to hear on the other end cause of all the fuzz and distraction going on. What could it be and what can I do about it since the technicians dont kno didly squat!




  1. Hmmm...

    There are so many different possible causes of static. Are you at home? Do you have DSL? Tried changing out the filters? Did the repair guys try the line from outside the house at the demark?

  2. 1- are you a customer of the RBOC or a CLEC... example, are you a Verizon customer or a reseller customer from another company where verizon services the line outside your home? it could be that the line is clear outside of your home and the trouble is inside.. if that is the case it is not the telephone companies problem.. you are responsible for all wiring inside your home, and all of your phones..

    bring a corded phone to the NID and check for static there.... if there is static there call the telephone company back and file a complaint with the PSC... if the line is clear there, then you will need to troubleshoot inside your home, or hire someone to troubleshoot your inside wiring..

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