
Why is the u.n so stupid i mean it way out of date?

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Why is the u.n so stupid i mean it way out of date?




  1. They become stupid with USA goverment help.

  2. Why PQ, I wasn't even going to mention the nation which has sponsored most terrorist attacks in the UK and paid for my home city to be bombed three times in the last fifteen years...

    But since you mention it, d**n the USA, why can't the UN do something about them?

  3. The UN has served its purpose and has passed it's time much like the leauge of nations did.

    They are nothing but a paper tiger now. They throw out threats in the form of resolutions that they have no intentions of enforcing. Countries hit with these resolutions must laugh when they are issued.

    They should be ashamed that things like Darfur, Congo, Rawanda and Things like that go on while they do nothing. As a group if they wanted they could end all of these things.

    They could be a powerful tool with peace in the world but are useless

  4. There are a few reasons I think the United Nations is an asset to the primary founding countries, the United States and the United Kingdom.

    1. The United Nations provides an service in the form of opportunities for forming and maintaining security services in areas where the direct hand/involvement of and expense of the United States or United Kingdom is unacceptable to one or both parties on the ground.

    For instance Cyprus , Golan Heights, Suez Canal the Timor's and other places where the UN operates currently. Most US politicians would be hard pressed to remember let alone provide justification for maintenance of a forward encampment of the USMC to Cyprus or the Suez or East Timor since there is little to no compelling national interest.

    The personnel, expertise and costs are shared across the member states and while still 40% of that cost comes from the US, it could be significantly higher and usually coming from other countries who may have previously benefited, the support may be more enthusiastic.

    In this respect it lowers the impact on those states which otherwise would bear the larger responsbility by sharing the load of peacekeeping efforts as well as providing commonality to peoples who may have nothing else in common.

    2. The UN also provides a forum for negotiation and peaceable settlement of differences, it also provides a forum for the Security Council and other empowered members to work collectively to react to and solve international crises. Numerous trade negotiations , standards debates and international treaties have been signed and negotiated there in ways which might not have otherwise been able to occur.

    3. The location of the United Nations in NYC is also a convenient locale from the perspective of statecraft allowing free access and influence to and from various other intelligence means, we would not be able to operate as freely as we may wish if the UNHQ were in Beijing or Tokyo or Moscow. In this respect it is a question of denying such an advantage to another great power, although subtle this is definitely important.

    4. Some of the more functional of the UN agencies actually do provide services in several areas, the UNHCR or UNICEF or other programs which have a humanitarian purpose and which require volunteers workers in difficult situations, these could be covered by other NGO's such as the Red Cross or other organizations but the Red Cross does not directly rely upon government monies under normal circumstances.

    5. The UN can serve as a "neutral" platform from which to initiate programs or initiatives where the patina of an international effort is useful to the states in question. i.e.; Economic or Military sanctions are preferred to being seen as being imposed by the international community i.e.; Arms Embargo's rather than unilaterally such as the US/Cuba diplomatic embargo.

    Time and again the UN is seen as the product of liberal elites and not atypically the hard-line conservatives of a given country see little to no purpose for or need to engage in collective international efforts, until some event occurs they did not choose to plan for or did not anticipate otherwise.

    Invariably these "hard-line" viewpoints come as a result of the distance from serious conflict or circumstances which were well and truly out of their control - such as a natural disaster (the Tsunami or a famine), or an international conflict (Kuwait, Sierra Leone, Cyprus).

    Certainly the UN has it's failings, like any other organization it is subject to corruption and waste and may be slow to respond or may not respond at all to a particular crisis based on the member states agreeing/choosing not to acknowledge  the situation at hand.

    One of the legitimate concerns of the UN that I find is that it is a mixed organization containing representative republics or parlimentary nations as well dictatorships or otherwise marginal states, providing structures for both types of governments to address / express their interests might be helpful, but might require a new set of articles of foundation.

  5. Who cares? We should just throw them out of New York and sell that prime piece of real estate they're squatting on for big bucks!

  6. WHY?

    Look at who is a permanent member and can veto:

    US from W Bush

    Russia from Putin

    France (joke)




    Now look at the 4 important following countries who are all 4 good working democratic ones and do not have a permanent seat despite their importance, their commitments to world peace and the factor of stability they are:

    - India (largest democracy in the world)

    - Brazil (South America's superpower, also a good democracy)

    - Japan (democracy, extremely positive country for the world, 2nd economy)

    - Germany (democracy, huge commitment to do goods in the world, 3rd economy)

  7. The UN is a debating society.  As long as you look at it purely as a place for dialogue, even if 99.99% of it is meaningless, it serves a purpose.

    If you're looking at it for more than that.. you're going to be disappointed.

  8. Uh ohh.

    Here they come, the touchy feely liberals who are gonna tell you how wonderful it is to have a place where the terrorist supporting countries can come together to break bread.

    Watch out, here they come!!!

  9. Could you try to expound on your reasons for making that statement? Apparently putting a sentence together and spelling are both challenges to you but that doesn't keep you from offering opinions without reasons.

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