
Why is the uk full of litter bugs?

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Everyday I go out the roads and footpaths are a mess, why? I was in the usa recently and I didnt see one peice of litter the whole time I was there. Why cant it be like that here?




  1. Because we don't appreciate our environment enough and we have always lived here - we don't have an Independence Day - and so we take the UK for granted.

  2. People just don't care anymore.

  3. When I first moved to the UK I used to ask the same question.

    I've since learned that people litter because they know that the local councils employ people to pick up most of that litter and so it's an attitude that people have (which sucks) that somebody else will clean up after them. As we all know, most of the litter ends up staying exactly where it's thrown.

  4. Too much packaging, too much fast food, too few brain cells to go round.

    I have to say however our biggest problem with litter is from the bin/recycling men. Every time they do a collection they seem to leave half of it in the street!

  5. its terrible, most of the litter is out side my house, people park then throw out cans . wrappers and nappies, uurrr

  6. maybes its just where you live cause its lovely here in glasgow!

  7. Because they are so d**n ugly the bugs think they are garbage to eat  

  8. Because there is not much to stop folk or dropping it we should start to fine them for doing it or we could have litter patrols with on the spot fines i think that i would be very good at thsi job as i hate litter droppers  

  9. Because people are either too lazy or stupid to appreciate the wonderful invention that is bins

  10. Because the law isn't enforced.  Littering is illegal and you can be fined up to £2,000.  Unfortunately, paying street wardens would not be self-financing and the British public always vote for whoever they think will tax them the least.  So dirty streets are one of the costs of cheap Council Tax.

  11. trust me, it's not as bad as it was many years ago!! there may be isolated areas around the UK that have the odd litter problem, but it was much worse back in the seventies! do you remember the "keep Britain Tidy" campaign. for a Government backed scheme, that was an astonishing success!! yes, it took years, but it DID work. if the rubbish back then was like what we have today, then it would be making headline news everyday! but sadly, no matter how hard we try, not everyone will care about the environment like we should....... :-(  

  12. I was thinking exactly the same when I first went to Florida. I couldn't believe how clean the streets were. It just goes to show how people care for the area they live, but in the UK, people really don't give a toss! They just chuck it anywhere. There are a select few who do put their rubbish in bins...but I also think its down to the fact that there are hardly any bins around (well in my area anyway). There should be a bin at least every 100m or even less..that might help. But then that's our lowsy government and council for you.

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