
Why is the united kingdom GB so complicated ?

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Maybe its just me but there is so much to know like Great Britain, UK, England, London. I did not even know England was a country...LOL. Ok here In the united states all there is is 3 things. 1. a country (the united states) 2. States (Texas) 3. cities and towns in the states. (houston) Can someone explain to me how it is over there ?




  1. It's the way it has evolved.

    England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland were separate countries as were the smaller islands off the coast.

    After various fights and marriages between Scottish and English Royalty There became one country incorporating England, Wales and Scotland with Ireland under British rule. And at one time incorporating parts of France.

    Ireland wanted independence except for a few counties in the North (although that is disputed) hence Ireland becoming a separate country but Northern Ireland remaining British.

    No different to waving America - USA, Canada, South American countries and having the USA which incorporates Hawaii which technically not in America but is a US state.

    Don't forget the number of US states has changed over the years.

  2. I agree any country can be confusing for a stranger.

    I get confused in the USA. 1)There is the country. 2)There are States. 3) There are towns and cities. OK So where do counties fit in?

    In the Uk we have so many levels of government I don't think even the leaders know how it all works !!

  3. Google 'wikipedia' and type in 'England'.

    There is lots of info there.

  4. It is not really complicated " over here "  . The " United Kingdom " referred to as the UK comprises tthe nations of Scotland , England . Wales and Northern Ireland . Southern Ireland or the Irish Republic is an independent sovereign nation . Both the UK and the Irish Republic are members of the European Union .

    The complexity perhaps arises from the system of Government . The Parliament of Great Britain and Northern Ireland sits at Westminster in London but Scotland , Wales and soon , Northern Ireland have devolved goverrnments  which administer on things such as education and health something like State Legislature " over there " on the other side of the pond .

    What is anomalous in the British system is that the largest  country ( England ) does not have  its own Parliament and Scottish , Welsh and Irish MPs can vote on their domestic matters  .

  5. The United Kingdom is a union of four constituent countries: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales

    Great Britain refers to the largest island in the union (England, Scotland an Wales)

    England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales are 4 different countries therefore have different capitals.

    Englands capital is London

    Scotlands capital is Edinburgh

    Northern Irelands capital is Belfast

    Wales is Cardiff.

    These 4 countries all have different towns and cities just like american states.

    Also the republic of ireland borders northern ireland but is an independant country and not part of the UK


  6. England is for English

    UK  is with Wales and Scotland

    it became united and it is a kingdom after they took Scotland from the Scottish and wales from the welsh

    The name Great Britain after the expanding which happen during Queen Elizabeth so they called it the great ....

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