
Why is the united states interested in south america?

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three clues are chile,immigration,spanish




  1. International trade a lower costs.

    1) In Chile we have the most organized economy from latin america

    2) Venezuela sells oil at extremelly low prices

    3) Spanish is the second language in the U.S. third in the world.

    We used to be called the backyard of the U.S.

  2. NO we only like S. America for the roses they grow.....

  3. Well i think because they pays to America huge lots of money in interest of debts.....

  4. the bottom line is always MONEY.  follow the money and you'll always know what's going on.

  5. I really don't know what are the clues for. They don't make sense.

    US is interested in South America because they want to have more markets where to sell goods.

    Besides, there are some countries like Venezuela and Argentina that have oil (didn't US invade Iraq for that?)

    What's more, Argentina has the largest reserve of drinkable water on Earth.

    I think that there are reasons to spare.

  6. The Panama Canal might have something to do with it. All the places to take over . I don't know why! You tell me?

  7. South America is more developed than Mexico and Central America.

  8. Is this a riddle? Sorry but I'm not good at riddles.

    Jokes aside, the US has always been interested in South America as it is a continent with many resources which are scarce in the US. They have money, SA doesn't so they come with dollars and buy whatever they need, sometimes (if not most of the time) exploiting the poor people in SA.

    This is not the answer that you're expecting but it's the answer that I can give.

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