
Why is the user interface important in a program?

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Why is the user interface important in a program?

Do you think it's beneficial to have similar user interfaces in all of the MS Office programs? Why/Why-not?




  1. How else can you use a program without an interface. Unless you want to type code just to do tasks within a program. It is like driving a car without the steering wheel, dashboard, and gear shift.

    Similar interfaces in all the MS Office is a good idea for consistency. Most of the programs by Adobe have similar interfaces so it is easier to switch between their programs and learn new programs from them.

  2. Ok let me explain.

    If you go to market to buy apples. and if you see one apple is black with size of 2 Kg. and other one is Red with size of 200 Gms. and There are more with different colors and size.

    It will make difficult for you to define an apple?

    Same way applies here. When user sees any software application he/she is expecting similar guis (intuitive!) from other programs aligned to the same line.

  3. because it helps people get around and do things with the program

    also it makes people liek the product

  4. if you mean the whole file, edit, etc. gui, i think its very important to keep things the same. like i know that if i press cntrl-c in any ms program, it will copy the selected stuff to the clipboard and cntrl-z will undo and cntrl-s will save my work. so i dont have to learn and memorize new shortcuts or where the menu items are if i start using a new program. this makes it very easy to use new software. imagine if you had to look for a button on the screen everytime yot want to save or close the window. it would slow you down alot. especially if you had to switch between 20 different programs. youd have to memorize the menus for all those programs. once you learn the ms menu system, you never have to think when you want to open a new doc or cut and paste.

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