
Why is the westboro baptist church group so mean 2 america and everything?

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Why is the westboro baptist church group so mean 2 america and everything?




  1. I can think of many ways to say this, most of which would violate the code of Yahoo ethics.

    Suffice it to say, IMHO they've got a major s***w loose somewhere.

  2. Crackpots, people who were dismembered by their own church.  So they start their own of radical morons.  And they're a family of lawyers, go figure.

  3. They are crazy!

  4. I watched a documentary by Louis Theroux on the Fred Phelps and the Westboro baptist church about a month ago, and was shocked at what they did in the name of religion, especially the picketing of the funerals of solders who'd died at war and the funerals of g*y people.

    Sure they are entitled to their opinion is fine at church etc, but to push their opinions on grieving family members at a funeral is a bit much.

    All I can say are they are extremist in the severest form

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