
Why is the window panel of an airplane be closed when ascending?

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Why is the window panel of an airplane be closed when ascending?




  1. What window panel are you referring to?  Please give more details.

  2. Thre is no law in the states that say this,,,, I was on a rj-700 this week nd got to looking at the window shades some came from the botom to the top and some top to bottom i guess an error

  3. anything that can create a distraction or make someone else uncomfortable has to be delt with so the airline has guidlines saying 'anything that can create a distraction or make someone else uncomfortable has to be delt with' (but not in those words) its just so the company doesnt get sued

  4. You are asked to raise your shade so that in the event of an accident you can see through the window to help you remain oriented (which way is up, etc.). Because of this, it lets you see what hazards there are outside the plane (fires, debris and such), which would be important during an evacuation. It also serves as a way to let light into the cabin and make it easier for rescuers to see inside.

    Upon descent (and also if you are taking off at night) they dim the lights to help your eyes adjust to the darkness, so if anything happens and it goes dark, you're not suddenly blinded while dashing for the exits. It makes the emergency path/exit lights more visible, as these might be the only lights you see in an emergency. As with the shades, it allows you to see outside for orientation, because with the cabin lights burning brightly, the glare would make it impossible.

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