
Why is the world ignoring Zionists crimes during 60 years when the facts are crystal clear?

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So many events since 1917 revealed the brutality, cruelty and unfairness of the Zionist. Unjustly murdered or assassinated Palestinian/Lebanese civilians, by the Zionist army, include thousands of women and children. Wounded patients are mostly in critical situations. Here are some examples of massacres in the last fifty-four years:

- 22/07/1946: King David massacre: 90 murdered

- 05/01/1948: Semiramis massacre: 19 murdered and 16 wounded

- 09/04/1948: Deir Yassin massacre: 250 murdered

- 11/08/1948: Dahmash mosque massacre: 350 assassinated

- 07/02/1952: Sharafat massacre: 10 brutally murdered

- 14-15/10/1953: Qibya massacre: Terrorist attack, 56 demolished, 67 murdered by Ariel Sharon.

- 29/10/1956: Kafr Qasime massacre: 43 murdered

- 03/11/1956: Khan Yunis massacre: 275 murdered.

- 17/07/1981: Beirut massacre: 150 assassinated, 600 wounded.

- 17/09/1982: Sabra and Shatila massacre: 3000-3500 savagely murdered in 62 h hours by the leading army of Ariel Sharon with Unit 101.

- 08/10/1990: Al-Aqsa mosque massacre: 23 murdered and 850 wounded

- 18/04/1996: Qanna massacre: 109 assassinated and 116 wounded.

- 08/08/2006: Lebanon massacre: more than 2000 civilians killed and more than 3000 wounded.




  1. Too busy counting bodies from terrorists attacks globally.

  2. I hate these counting of dead, but you are back, so one must do what  must be done

    December 1947 - Small kibbutzim were subjected to attacks - Gvulot, Ben-Shemen, Holon, Safed, Bat Yam and Kfar Yavetz. Sixty-two Jews were murdered by Arabs around Palestine.

    December 30, 1947 - 39 Jews were killed by Arab rioters at Haifa’s oil refinery

    January 16, 1948 - 35 Jews were killed trying to reach Gush Etzion

    February 22, 1948 - 44 Jews were murdered in a bombing on Jerusalem’s Rehov Ben-Yehuda

    February 29, 1948 - 23 Jews were killed all across Palestine, eight of them at the Hayotzek iron foundry.

    January and February 1948 - Rishon Lezion, Yehiam, Mishmar Hayarden, Tirat Zvi, Sde Eliahu, Ein Hanatziv, Magdiel, Mitzpe Hagalil and Ma’anit were all subjected to attacks. Arab attackers also bombedThe Palestine Post

    April 13, 1948 - 35 Jew were murdered during the Mount Scopus convoy massacre

    March and April - Assault on Hartuv by 400 Arabs based in the village of Ishwa and an attack on Kfar Darom by members of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Jewish Agency, the Solel Boneh building in Haifa and an Egged bus were bombed.

    May 15, 1948 - 127 Jews were massacred at Kfar Etzion, after 30 others had died defending the Etzion Bloc.

    During this timespan(November 29, 1947 to May 15, 1948), a total of 1,256 Jews had been killed, most of them civilians. These deaths were caused by Arab militias, gangs, terrorists and army units which attacked every place of Jewish inhabitation in Palestine. During this time, all Jewish villages in the Negev were attacked, and Jews had to go about the country in convoys. In every major city where Jews and Arabs lived in mixed neighborhoods the Jewish areas came under attack. This was true in Haifa’s Hadar Hacarmel as well as Jerusalem’s Old City.

    The above list does not include Jews killed and synagogues burned in Arab countries during the timespan in question. However, it is known thatmore than 100 Jews were massacred and synagogues were burned in Aleppo and Aden, driving thousands of Jews from their homes.

  3. I say thanks too Bravo.

    Now.  Where you been kid.  I think this whole situation is still kind of new to you.

    This has been a never ending struggle for all of those years.Many times it leaned this way then that.  All the possibilities have been talked to death.  The plans are laid , the treaties have been printed in so many different styles and ignored.

    There is nothing new to say it's all been said and the whole world has watched.  At least as well as technology allows.  All that is pretty new too, actually.

    You keep yammering like someone is actually going to do something to change all that from reading your answers and redundant questions.

    All your rants are nothing but bashing and you never say anything that might help any of the Pals.  You and your whole gang does nothing to benefit the Muslims and I don't think you want to.  You just want to take out your hate on the Jews.  What a waste of time.

    You can block me.  I won't miss anything.

  4. It is easier to ignore/deny than to admit wrongdoing.  

  5. How about all of those cell-phone amature videos where the Jews are having so much phun shooting and killing the Arabs just for kicks? huh?

    I believe that the n***s would be real proud for the Jews today.

    I've heard that the Russians are qoing to teach the Jews a lesson real soon for sticking their noses in the Georgian region.

  6. First of all thank you for unblocking me, I appreciate it.

    Now to answer your question:

    Have you ever bothered to read anything about these "massacres" that you mention?

    Do you not know that 17 Jews died in the King David Hotel? Do you not know that the Arab kitchen workers on the first floor were told to leave? Do you not know that despite their attempts to get everyone to evacuate the building the Jewish Agency has condemned this?

    When was the last time the "Palestinian Agency" has condemned any attack against Jews?

    Do you not know that dier yassin was a battle that we won?

    Did you not know that the Arabs kept the Jews in Jerusalem with no food and attempted to take down the only highway that linked Jerusalem to Tel Aviv so that the Jews won't be able to assist them?

    The plan was not to kill but to take over the village, the village people were armed as well as foreign soldiers, they opened fire and the results were horrifying for them.

    Did you not know that the Jewish fighters got as many people as they could out of the village so that they won't be caught in the fire? did you not know that they let in an ambulance to help the injured?

    Why When you mention 2000 civilians killed in Lebanon do you not mention that these civilians died because terrorists were hiding in between them? and why do you not mention all the rockets that Israel got from the Lebanese side? And why in the world would you call the current Israeli government zonists? they are nothing but zionists.

    And how do you even compare? No Israeli was wishing for the death of any Lebanese civilian while every Jew that dies there is a celebration going on the other side.

    You should be ashamed of yourself.

  7. I have a simple answer.

    Because it's against the benefit of them.They like to be the king of the world and they don't mind crushing people under their feet.

  8. OK OK I know how much you all miss me, just one day I'm off Y!A and you guys literally get withdrawal symptoms. Thank you so much. OK let me make this crystal clear, the world does not ignore the Jewish crimes, they just don't know about it because of the Jewish controlled media.

  9. I think much of it is politics plain and simple.

    Most of the free world panders to the Zionist

    philosophy out of a sense of shame & guilt

    over the holocaust. Sadly, in the desire to not

    appear anti-Israel...attrocities have occured

    and been covered up.

  10. My friend, you seem to be very much complainant about the global community to be ignoring all these brutalities, despite the fact that they all know it but it is not alarming their conscious.  But at the same time you also ignored something; the sacrifices of Egypt and Jordan during the whole period you mentioned.  Never mind, it may have been quite inadvertant.  Well, you may be right, but don't forget two of the vitally main important factors involved in this scenario:

    1.  "Money makes the mare go."  So by dint of this powerful economic factor every thing becomes possible.  This very power was used very generously without any limited bounds in favor of the British Empire, who were then in control of Jordan (including Palestine), Iraq, and Egypt in the Middle East, in order to create quite a new State, which never existed before, on the soil of Palestine, during World War II.  This sort of generous economic/financial assistance was extended quite geniously on time on the basis of "make hey, while sun shines" or "strike when the iron is not" because that was a really needy time for the British Empire to combat the the most expensive war to defend its sovereignty.  A long history and, of course, I am not very ambitious to narrate the whole of it, but to restrict myself to my view point that this principle helped in creation of this very new State.

    2.  "Might is right."   This principle helped very much in the existence of the newly created State and later becoming powerful with the help of its creators and others to sustain and retain its existence by iteself.

    Therefore, you have the right to complain, but you can't ignore these two factors.  "Thats the way the coockie crumbles", my friend.  Try to be patient and not confrontationally violent because you won't gain anything, rather you may lose many things.  The best option is meaningful peace dialogues.  That is the only possible way of gaining something positively.

    However, something not mentioned, I would like to express my view point about their expansionism.  The money, energy, and efforts used in this respect has almost been of not much use due to some external pressures exerted.  I think, if part of this money could have been used for the development and betterment of their cousins (I mean, their lost tribe already identified by them), it would have certainly been a biggest contribution to world peace because that area is supposed to be considered the most dangerous and flash point as a threat towards piece.  Moreover, extention of a helping hand towards it immediate neighbours could have also been a great source of peace in the region and a regional bloody armed could have been avoided.

    It would be of great pleasure, if preferentially a mighty could take the nicest initiative towards a meaningful peace-dialogue, but traditionally and normally the weaker indicates such an inclination.  It doesn't actually matter as to who should, but, in my opinion, that is the best option because conflicts may compell the weaker to a dialogue but it is always then associated with the hatred of a feeling of conquerness.

    I am not in favor or against any one, except the global peace so that we all live a terror-free life.  We are presently living a supposedly wild life on the basis of the principles "survival of the fittest".  That would certainly suit to the wild animals for whom there is no other way.  But we are human beings and may find thousands of ways of peaceful living on the basis of mutual co-existence and on the principles of "live and let live".  Let us hate the hatred and start loving the love.

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