
Why is the world roud?

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if the world is truely round then why are there so many abrupt inclines and deep valleys ?




  1. that my friend is good question sometimes i think that myself the inclines maybe because of the movement (which everybody knows)............

  2. Gravity pulls most of the mass of the Earth into a NEAR sphere.

    THE EARTH IS NOT ROUND. As you look around you can see hills, valleys and buildings. Even on the ocean, there are waves and tidal bulges.

    Our Earth is extremely large. The hills and valleys are tiny in comparison. So tiny in fact that those features are ignored whenever the shape of the Earth is discussed.

    You may have a 12-inch globe of the Earth at home. Most globes have raised areas to show the mountains. If these features were actually to scale, you would not be able to feel them with your fingertips, even Mount Everest! (At this scale, if Mount Everest dropped in altitude from its peak directly down to sea level, it would feel like the thickness of a single sheet of paper.)

    Because the Earth is rotating, there is a bulge at the equator. This may be visually detectable from a distance or on a scale model, but just barely.

  3. Earth may seem round but its actually not. Its full of imperfections. The reason it is round is because of gravity. Gravity basically pulls everything down and to the middle of the Earth evenly.

    Now that you know that gravity is what causes the round shape, lets go more in depth. The reason you don't see giant mountains or skyscrapers that go to the moon are, once again, because of gravity. Gravity pulls down on these objects with so much force that it causes it to collapse after a certain point.

    Some people also say that the round shape is also due to the fact that the Earth rotates.

  4. its not round...its an oblate spheroid...

  5. so that it wouldn't be square
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