
Why is the world turning a blind eye to the plight of the African in the 21st century?

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Nigerians are being murdered in Spain by law enforcement agents, unfair subsidies choking trade for the african farmers,genocide in Darfur and then to crown it all,the sham of the superpowers going back to cold war days when they were supposed to be dealing with these problem at the G-whatever meeting etc?




  1. Africa has had aid for decades as well as all other types of assistance, yet there are those that say its not enough. When do we decide that we are wasting our time and money there, since they don't seem to be able to help themselves?

  2. The sad truth is that Africa doesn't have anything industrialized countries least right now. While Africa is rich in natural resources, it's cheaper for us to blow up Iraq and take what we want there than to develop new extraction facilities.

    While the African plight is sad, I really think Africans are better off if the West doesn't meddle anymore than necessary. Do you want the U.S. toppling your governments and/or supporting terrorist regimes in the name of economic interest? Because that's exactly what we have done the world over...(you can read up your history in Nicauragua, El Salvador, and Guatemala just to name a few)

  3. Well, not to be that mean, but why are Africans turning a blind eye to the plight of other Africans IN Arica?

  4. Because U.S government want to

  5. Because they will have to face the fact that they had a hand in it. Every modernized country has used and abused Africa in some way. There wouldn't be any modernized countries if they did not have the resources of Africa to fuel their growth. Look at China, it would still be in the grips of poverty and communism if it weren't for the natural resources they continue to suck from Africa. Africa is the mother of this planet. And until we recognize our vampirism upon it, we are heading toward a global meltdown.

  6. so you want us to be the worlds policeman again..Who do people bother what's going on in Darfur when YOU can't do anything about it..go outside and quit worrying about thinngs that you have no control over

  7. Its a combination of things.

    I am wondering though... say we did have the collective will to do something. Where do you suggest we start? And if we were to go into Dafur or other areas how would it turn out any better then our experience in Mogadishu where we tried to restore some order and it ended up backfiring. How to end genocide and famine without coming embroiled into civil wars and religious conflicts is not easy... look where we are in Iraq and Afghaninstan... is using our status of a superpower doing more good then harm there? Not that I am saying we shouldn't try... but can you name situation where a well-meaning foreign power came in and actually improved things?  Just my 2 cents


  8. Well, I think the vast majority of people are uninformed. If more people knew about it I think we'd see some more action to help. I didn't know about the Spain and Cold War issue until I read this.

    But I think most countries are choosing to ignore it because it's not really their problem. Why waste resources on something that doesn't even concern them?

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