
Why is the world turning to krap?

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Why is the world turning to krap?




  1. I don't think the ratio of c**p people to decent or amazing people is all that worse today than before, it is simply the overabundance of the over 6 billion people that is turning it into something ugly and crowded.  Plus the dumbest people are always the loudest, which is multiplied by the modern media bringing mundane popular culture to the masses and drowning out real creativity, ingenuity, and intelligence.

  2. That is because too many spend all their time whinning about it & too little time doing something about it.  We are not only poor in leaders, we are poor in followers & doers.

  3. The rapture is near... very near.

  4. Read the bible and you'll know. The book of Revelation describes the world jus like it is now. The end might be approaching.

  5. Just omit "turning to".

  6. Because of the people who run things in this world?

  7. Everyone has always thought the end was near, but then it never came... the world is c**p cos the people of the world are c**p, this includes myself :p

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