
Why is the yank presadent refered to as leader of the free world.

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We dont vote for the blood thirsty greedy mongral and the damage they create sure as h**l is not freedom




  1. Probably because the USA is the largest democratic and industrialised country in the world.

    India is actually the largest democracy so technically their PM should be the leader of the 'free' world.

    The term itself has probably been popularised by Americans because they like to think they invented freedom. Foolishly Americans believe this when in reality the USA only continues to interfere in everyone else's business in order to feather the USA nest.

  2. why whould you call him "yank presadent" . I guess you are cannot spell words but you would like to discuss this subject.

    By the way, Bush is from South so he is not a yankee - if that's what you meant to say. If he was from North or East of US he wouldn't go to war - different cultures and values are in different parts of USA even thou it is this same country

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