
Why is their an advantage for being a left handed pitcher???

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Im 15 and left handed and my coaches and trainers recommended that I try out for baseball.I know how to throw 7 different pitches but My accuracy isnt that good. my curveball never seems to look like a curveball...




  1. The biggest advantage is to the team. There just aren't as many left-handed people as there are right-handed. Having a good lefty gives the team the opportunity to have someone face left-handed hitters, of which there are a few more, since some right-handed throwers bat left. To you the advantage is that even the right-handed hitters, of course, SEE fewer lefties, so you take some getting used to.  

  2. They usually have a good pick off throw at first.

  3. They have a big advantage when pitching to left handed hitters.  That's why guys like Jesse Orosco, Terry Mulholland, and Buddy Groom were able to survive so long in the majors without having great stuff.  A lot of times there job was just to come in a tough spot to get out a left handed hitter.

  4. Because they have the advantage over most batters

    they can get Leftys out

    And take down rightys too

  5. 1) Can easier hold runner on first base.

    2) There are fewer left handers so hitters dont see them as often.

  6. You don't see as many left handers, if you're curve doesn't look like a curve, maybe its 6 pitches?  or just keeping working on mechanics, if you advance to the higher levels 2 or 3 pitches will do.

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