
Why is their so much racial tension between blacks and whites?

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Personally, as a black teen, it doesn't matter to me what the person looks like. What do you guys think?




  1. idk, and it exhausts me 2 think bout it cuz i can nevr find n answer!

    im white and i hav friends of many races and upon meeting them i nevr had a rascist thought towards them (honestly) i dont really think about people that way!

    and thats y it annoys me when people r all like ur rascist if u say sumthin bad bout say obama ya kno?

    its like a*****e hes half white duuuuurh and even if he wasnt it wouldnt matter to me!

    god its so annoying

  2. I couldn't care less about the color of someone's skin. I do despise the trash of every race/ethnicity.

  3. i agreee i'm black and i like  everyone...

    i like like an asian guy who's my friend so

    obviously ethnicity doesn't matter to me

    i think its dumb

    when people think it matters ...more annoying too

  4. i also dont discriminate , i come from Venezuela , and there was little racism , but somtimes i find that the black people from Venezuela are a lot nicer and they dont have the whole "ghetto thug gangsta " thing going on like a lot (not all ) of them do here in the states so idk

  5. I agree, many others don't.

  6. I don't have ill feelings toward blacks, but I have gotten a lot of hatred toward be from black people. I hate when I am at wal-mart for example, and to be nice, I move out of the way to let someone pass (I have my children wiht me), but I can't tell you how many times I have heard the people get upset because they think I am just not wanting to walk past them because they are black. I do it for all people to be considerate. I think a lot of times, blacks think that us as whites are being rude, when we have no intention to be. It's just how they want to read into the situation.

  7. Everything seems to be about race these matter what a person says or does, the issue still comes up. If it's not "white guilt" or extreme resentment from whites, anger and frustration and a lot of defensiveness comes from blacks. Instead of moving forward, we are left to argue only about that. No solutions, no goals set...just arguing and neither side believes they bear any responsibility for anything. The absolute worst thing I have seen our country become is fake. You no longer want to be friendly in a store to just anyone...for fear you might say something wrong. If you do say something, you are tight-lipped and too hesitant to have a natural conversation without thinking "I hope I don't say something wrong." I was in a grocery store and the cashier was moving my ground beef across the leaked, I let him know that it had gotten on his hands and pointed to the sanitizer wipes behind him. He said "no big deal" and I said.."yea, guess you would be kind of used to that."  BANG...he gets really angry and defensive and says to me "what exactly do you mean by THAT? what are you implying?"     Huh? Needless to say I avoid his line now.

  8. I'm with you. I do not care what a person looks like.  

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