
Why is their so much racism in America?

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I was watching videos on youtube, its amazing how just because you are different colored you are treated different, and all these white people attacking a Mexican and telling him go back to your country.

Everyone should be treated equaly, its sad to see this happening in america it makes America look bad.

what should they do about it




  1. There is "racism" in every country. Germans don't "like" Americans. Japanese don't "like" Hawaiians.  Russians don't like Armenians. Arabs don't like Jews. Chinese don't "like" Koreans. "Blacks" (African Americans) don't "like" "Caucasians"--"whites". Muslims don't "like" non-Muslims. The Irish don't "like" the Scots or the English.

    I believe "ethnicity" has a larger influence on how one perceives themselves, and how others perceive each other than "race".

    The President of the United States, whoever he or she is,  cannot stop or reduce "racism". There is no "act" of Congress that can stop or reduce "racism".

    We, the people, can; but, we won't. We have to "hate" someone.

    My ancestors were German, Irish, and Amercan Indian. My German ancestors married Jews. My Irish ancestors married Scots, Brits. My Indian ancestors married Germans, Jews, Scots, Brits, Italians, Spaniards, French, Russians--almost any man who came into Indian lands.

    I have Indian ancestors who had "black" slaves who "mothered" and "fathered" children into my ancestor's tribe. These children were accepted into the "tribe", having all the benefits of the "tribe".

    There is no "race" war; but, there is an "ethnic" war.

  2. i think that part of the reason that so many illegal mexican immigrants are tolerated is because of their minority status. i cant imagine that if millions of whites were doing so that we would put up with it. america is not fair with regard to minorities, but it should be. as it stands, the government gives minorities every advantage. considering that all but about 20 percent of americans are Minorties of  one kind or another, it is grossly unfair.

    the government may not be able to change peoples hearts, but changing its own rasists policies would go a long way toward reducing the resentment.

  3. Billy K's answer is right on the mark. It has proven useful to the corporate and political elite to maintain tension between factions within the populace for many reasons, such as to draw attention away from what's being done to us and by whom. It's pervasive throughout our society because those who have gained by it ultimately run our society, and most people are too busy trying to survive to see through the fog.

  4. it is in everybody's nature to be racist,we just don't show it.

  5. Professional racial agitators like Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan etc.  There is a lot of money to be made out of bad race relations. It is all to do with the 'pork barrel' system of US politics.

  6. The first problem is that no president can stop this - the PEOPLE have to stop it themselves.

    Abd they should - racism demeans both the victim and the racist.

  7. The Mexicans were yelling at Whitey.  Guess you missed that video.  There was big news, really big news, lately about black people insulting Whitey as well.  Yes, I agree, these people need to get a grip.  But there's much more racism in the rest of the world.  In South America, there's racism against not just race, but shades.  There's videos on YouTube where white Canadians won't even let black people in the bars.  It's all over.  The USA, until recently, was doing pretty well. compared to the rest of the world, dealing with it.  Thanks, Obama, for setting us back a few decades.

  8. First of all, its there, not their.

    It's not just in the United States. As someone who lives in China, I personally believe they are some of the most racist people on earth.

    I honestly believe that if these pathetic people did not have race to get worked up over they would find some other, small, trivial difference to get upset over.

    Also, as for the Mexican thing, I've seen many latino/hispanic people who could easily pass for white. And I think more of the issue with them at least is immigration. There are problems in Europe with discrimination against people from eastern european countries or poland, who, racially speaking are the same as western Europeans.

    At least in that situation, its not totally racism. There are a lot of other issues to consider.

    So I can't really answer your question but I think you should educate yourself a little bit, it's not just in the United States and it's not totally based on race.  

  9. racism everywhere just not in America

  10. Racism is a sad and pathetic thing but you have to remember that any idiot can use youtube. Just because there are horrible people putting up things like that on that website doesn't mean all of America is like that. It's a shame that people can be so small minded. The color of your skin doesn't change who you are in the slightest bit.

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