
Why is there a Global Warming sub-category?

by Guest11056  |  earlier

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I don't think the biggest lie ever told deserves it?





  1. You're right...the global warming myth will end up in an Aesop's book of fairy tales some day.

  2. There are enough people who believe in it.

  3. Ever wonder why it isn't a sub-category of Science and Math?

    Enough said.

  4. Bob wrote

    "And it's scientific fact. Calling the vast majority of scientists in the world "liars", and saying their serious work is a "fairy tale" is simply not credible."

    It is not scientific fact. Calling it such is simply not credible.

  5. Because it's one of the most important issues of our day.  It was dominating the Environment category, so it was moved to give other issues a chance to be heard.

    And it's scientific fact.  Calling the vast majority of scientists in the world "liars", and saying their serious work is a "fairy tale" is simply not credible.

  6. No, it should be hidden some place where people that think it is "the biggest lie ever told" can't find it. If you think a vast majority of the world's earth scientists are propagating some amazing lie then you'd better go back to elementary school science and start over--you obviously didn't learn it the first time.

  7. Yahoo Answers wasn't meant for people to express their views here. There's a global warming sub-category because someone might have a question warming! Go figure.  

  8. I wonder if you'll say the same when temperatures reach 120 degrees anywhere in the US in about 20 yrs. The proof will be a little late then. Cause nay sayers like you set on their butts and let it happen.

  9. I bet you believe the president is the smartest man in the world too. I bet you don't fish or spend any time out doors to notice the water, air and earth around you are so different from when you were a child. I bet you haven't watched anything on the Discovery channel or even the Learning Channel that show again and again the changes in our planet due to global warming. My God, do the math. There are a hundred reasons for sub-categories on this topic because there is so much to say and so much to learn. All of us must pitch in in the smallest of ways to assure our children and grandchildren have our beautiful waters and skies. Do you really think that if we were conscious of all the pollution and stupid things we do daily in our throwaway world that it would actually hurt anything? There is too much scientific evidence for global warming. Please don't stick your head in the sand, do some research. Yeah, you might have to take a little longer in your day to recycle or to go as green as your household can, but it is so worth it. It's time to stop thinking in the singular terms in this life and think of the generations of humans we are imposing this selfishness on. They will be the ones to pay.

    Come out of the box you live in and take a good look around you. Where are all the glaciers? Why are all of the bumblebees disappearing? Why are all of the fish changing colors and disappearing, full of mercury. Wake up before you regret it as will all of the people who are too lazy and selfish to give a little. Still driving your SUV complaining about the price of gas? Come on. Wake up!

  10. It is just a really big topic. It doesn't matter who believes in it or who doesnt it is just the facts that people talk about it all the time.

    (but personally, i'm with you. i think people just want to believe in it to have an excuse and sound smart like "wow what do you thing of this hot weather?" "oh well that globel warming for you")

  11. While not everyone is convinced about global warming, many are,

    it is something that is in a lot of peoples minds right now, and gives them an outlet to express their views.

    perhaps that is why you are here now expressing your view.

  12. The direct answer to your question is because people are interested in the topic (you posted here didn't you?). Since when did Y!A have to take a stance on what is "acceptable" to discuss? Are you advocating a Stalinist, anti-freedom-of-speech society?

    And there are many other categories that don't deal with "fact" (as you see it) - mythology, beauty & style, politics - plus, of course the real "biggest lie ever told" - religion.

    I would ask some questions in return:

    Why are you so interested in censorship?

    Why do you not believe in freedom of speech?

    Are you advocating that society should try to move to a "1984 Big Brother" style of governance?

    Censorship and denial of freedom of speech is normally implemented when people are scared of what might be said mainly because people might say the truth, might discuss reality and thus disturb their comfortable status quo at the top of the pecking order.

    What are you so scared of?

    The truth?

  13. You got me thinking for a moment what the "biggest lie ever told might be."  There's a question to post, but it wouldn't be in this category.

    This category exists because scientists have established a link between human activities and changes occurring in global climate patterns throughout the planet.  

    This category exists because the issue is complex, and there was/is a lot of misinformation out there, and by offering a section in Yahoo people can ask and answer questions, do some research, and possibly reflect on the information generated.

    I've got sites I can share with you that showcase the work being done at the university level, by governments throughout the United States and the world, by non-profits and think tanks, by corporations who want to protect their future revenue.  I'll gladly share them with you if you like.  If it's fairy tales you're looking for, check out the link below.  Some of those tales were pretty scary too, as I recall.

  14. Hey...I thought it Groundhog Day YESTERDAY.

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