
Why is there a Miss Universe contest?

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When all the contestants are from Earth? Why not Miss World? Or Miss Earth?




  1. Well... Some of these woman or so unintelligent, they may very well be from another planet.

  2. LOL! I always wondered the same thing. We humans thing we own the place!

  3. you dont know the whole story

    since rosswell the contestant serves to another purpose

    representing us in the real miss universe, down there in dwingelow_1

    only the winner survives, the rest is banta fodder

  4. Perhaps because nobody from Mars has entered yet?  (wouldn't it be interesting if they did lol.)

  5. I've wondered the same thing maybe some of these women are aliens in disguise

  6. Because enough people make money from it to have one every year.

  7. because the people who made it want it to seem more interesting and and larger than life

  8. I love Jay Leno's joke in the movie Contact:

    "Scientists are saying: turns out there is life on other planets.

    Boy this will really affect the miss universe pageant."

  9. They pick the dumbest girl known to us in our universe and we havent explored beyond earth and found life, so its the best we can do for now :D


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