
Why is there a World Series that only Americans can take part in?

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Remember when they invited the Japansese a couple years ago and got their @rses kicked. LMAO




  1. Americans think there cool with there sports but there not..

    They only like baseball because they can eat hot dogs while watching it...


    To the comment below, the English premier league has lots of foreigners but that doesn't mean its called the world premier league...

    Of course a baseball player wants to win the world series you get the most money for it and it's the only one most people have ever heard of...

  2. Hmmm......I was actually really going to explain the history behind why it's actually called the World Series.  I wouldn't chalk it up to arrogance or anything like that, but there is an explanation behind it.  However from looking at these answers, I see this is just a excuse to slag off on the Americans once again by the British.  Pretty standard for Y/A.

    I guess the only question I have is, why in the world do you care what we call our professional baseball championship?  You don't watch baseball in Britain, and you don't play baseball in Britain.  Yet you seem incredibly concerned with what names we give our professional championships.  In places like Japan, and Mexico, and Venezuela, and Puerto Rico, and other countries, they do play baseball, and I've never heard any of them complain about it being called the World Series.  So why in the world are you complaining?  

  3. Players from anywhere can take part in the world series if they're good enough.

    The current MLB has players from the Dominican republic, Puerta rica, Holland, Canada, etc, and of course Japan.

    It isn't the best name, but ask a baseball player anywhere what he'd most like to win and there wouldn't be many that chose something else.

    p.s. I'm English, born and bred, before you start.

    EDIT: The Q. says 'that only AMERICANS can take part in'. I was pointing out that that obviously isn't the case.

    How about a competition called the Champions league that you don't need to be champions to enter and isn't a proper league????

  4. its just typical of the arrogance of Americans.

    @ pluginmaybe - no offence mate but what does the players nationality have to do with it, every football league in the world has players from all around the world in them but none of these are called the World League are they! The World Cup is called the World Cup because teams from all around the world compete in it, the same goes with the European championships, it has this name because of all the teams being from Europe. Like the question says how can it be called a world series if its exclusively for American teams!?

    EDIT - @ AZ - The reason why we are complaining is because there are constantly Americans who come in to the football section and slag it off (that's what's standard for YA) and i'm pretty sure that this question is in response to the should we ban soccer question, surprise, surprise by an American! i know there are plenty of Americans who love our sport and even if they don't they still have respect for it but sadly there are not enough of these people for us not to genralise!

  5. well,the americans called it like that just to show that they are unselfish but,in fact,they are the only ones who take part in it so that they will always win and never be losers

    otherwise,they wouldnt be winning anything

  6. That's America for you.

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