
Why is there a double standard(from women) against me when I wear a skirt?

by  |  earlier

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Women have succesfully fought and continue to fight for equal rights. But as you continue to want to equal rights, why do women have problems when I tell them that I am a crossdresser. On one hand women continue to fight for equality, but when I want to wear something preety, such as a cute panties, or a dress, heels, etc, its not ok. Why is that?




  1. I don't think this has anything to do with equal rights for men  or women. This is an issue of hatred towards cross dressers in general. I think you'll find that men have more problems with this than women. Women are generally more liberal with these issues than men are but if you're having problems with women treating you a certain way bec. you're not the "norm" then you're dealing with ignorant people which Im sad to say they are quite a number of them out there. Take care dude and goodluck.

  2. Some of the guys here answer that it is feminist but its not.  Most of the women giving you a hard time are probably traditionalist who think you should stay in the societal male gender role... I say s***w it; if you want put on a lovely dress and show off your great legs... Male cross dressers always have such great legs... They are just jealous.

  3. It all depends on where they're from. Come to Toronto and not one women will bat an impeccably curled eyelash at your panties or heels.

  4. Because women can't make up their minds.

    Dress how you think looks nice.

  5. I think, any feminist fighting for equality will be okay with it... else can be different.

  6. I'm yet to meet a feminist who doesn't also believe that transgenders and crossdressers deserve full and equal rights too. Maybe that's just England.

  7. Those are the societal standards we live by at this time ... maybe in the future things will change ... but not soon, gender differences are too ingrained in us .

  8. because you aren't Scottish

  9. Women/feminists sometimes have a hard time seeing double standards that don't directly affect them, i don't know why this is, perhaps they want the monopoly on oppression and hardship.

  10. Some people have religious convictions about crossdressing. I don't know why women would have such a problem,unless you look better than they do.

  11. personally I don't care I'll even donate a few high heels for ya...

    A persons view of cross dressers and g**s...has more to do with the persons age, location and religion then gender.

  12. It's called fear.  People fear what they don't understand.  I supposed I am more open-minded than most.  I've known many people who enjoy cross-dressing.  As far as I'm concerned, if it makes them happy and no one is being hurt, what's the problem?  Go ahead an be proud of who you are.  Don't let people's fear an ignorance stop you from wearing what you want to wear.

  13. I would think that men would have more problems with a cross-dresser.  I don't know any women who would care.  Stare, maybe - sorry about that - but not care.

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