
Why is there a game called "Grand theft auto" being marketed to the children of the USA?

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I don't get it a training manual and guide on how to be a car thief and criminal? when I was a kid, games inspired kids to become good guys who took on the crooks and bad guys.




  1. You mean games like Space Invaders and PacMan?

    Grand Theft Auto carries an M rating, which means you have to be over 18 to buy it.  It's a simulation of New York City, and the theme is crime.  Crime is a popular theme in media, books, music, movies, video games.  If you're going to ban this theme in video games, you have to do it everywhere.  That means no more Sopranos, no more Godfather, etc...

  2. young men need strength its why white chicks love black guys its not the d**k size its the strength men are animals destructive hard nosed people everytime something violent comes about people buy it with a vengence notice s*x and the city didnt do well in the theaters??? people dont want to see that but u better believe iron man smashed records basic premise of things oh if the good guys werent so evil we would see more games based on this and we do call of duty medal of honor  super man spider man grand theft auto is a great game that allows you to do what u always wanted to go kill people and blow stuff up its violent as i said men will be men soon u stupid people will see warriors are needed in a society to keep balance u people dont want to to read your history you will learn the hard way

    oh and edmond  go blow a goat if women stayed in line and supported thier husbands they wouldnt be getting beat would they ??? i dont get bit by pit bulls u know why ??? i dont provoke them very basic

  3. It's not being marketed to children.

    It has a Mature ESRB rating.

    Same as the R rating for movies set by the MPAA.

    It's intended for people who are 17 or older.

  4. Because it sells and is the best game series.

    It's an adult game as the previous poster pointed out and apart from being full of crime and violence the GTA games also offer intelligent entertainment like music and even political satire for a mature audience. The game is not for kids and people who make it available to them should be dealt with just like any other form of adult entertainment isn't outlawed but those who confront children with it are prosecuted.

  5. The games are not marketed to children. As the other poster said, it is rated M (Mature). It seems that every time one of the games in the series comes out, there's one teenager in America who does something stupid and the media gets on their high horse about violence in video games. It couldn't just be the case that there are stupid kids in America whose families are careless with guns around the house - nope, it's the game or the rock music or the internet that's to blame.

  6. Sick and greedy corporate men

  7. You have to show your ID to buy that game ,,children cannot purchase it

    I know I tried to buy it and didn't have my ID on me and they would not sell it to me at gamestop ,,so I had to send my wife in to buy it

    HA HA training manual and guide on how to be a car thief and criminal?--AND GET KILLED BY THE COPS

  8. You should save your outrage for the rampant amount of domestic violence that occurs in the USA every day.

  9. They are not doing this but even if they were they could because it is a free country and they can market these games towards anyone they want.  It isn't illegal.  If they are marketing these games towards children, why do they specifically come with ratings that inform parents that these games are not suitable for children?  It's time to start placing blame, where it belongs and that is on the parents.  As a parent, nothing makes it into the hands of my children, if it isn't supposed to be there.  It is impossible for them to get into my guns because they are locked up as they should be.  It is also impossible for them to play daddies video games until they have reached the appropriate maturity level to do so.  It is not the responsability of other people to raise your children or other peoples children.  What ever happened to personal responsibility?

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