
Why is there a holy trinity?

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Didnt the baby jesus h Christ say worship no other gods but me the big cheese?

So whats with the holy spatula and the virgin appendix




  1. There's one on this very forum...

    Straight out of the Matrix!

  2. There isn't any such thing.

    Religion, and the concept of a god, is nothing but blind belief, dogma, bigotry, superstition, the preservation of vested interests and the exploitation the weak-minded. The whole concept of the existence of a deity is a both a fantasy and the delusion of weak-minded fools.

  3. ret conning.

    for the same reason why iron man was now wounded in an arab country instead of vietnam, for the same reason captain america commie smasher was later written off.

    for the same reason they wrote "bat mite" out of the batman comics.

    they needed to "ret con" this new jesus character into thier religion and assign him divinity without violating the ten commandments.

    as a plot device the holy trinity is a flim flam patchwork job that a 3 year old can see through- I guess quality writing has come a long way since then huh?

  4. The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.

    The Father is God in heaven,

    The Son is Jesus Christ who came to Earth to save us,

    and The Holy Spirit is what God sent to Earth when Jesus accended into Heaven so that Jesus' work could continue on Earth until he returns.

  5. thats how it is with God...

  6. They had to invent the trinity to sell the idea that Jesus was a 'god'.

    The "trinity" was not invented until over 300 years after Jesus died.

  7. The father the son and the holy spirit (sometimes ghost)

    The Trinity is a Christian doctrine, stating that God exists as three persons, or in the Greek hypostases, but is one being.[1][2] The persons are understood to exist as God the Father, God the Son (incarnate as Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. Since the beginning of the third century[3] the doctrine of the Trinity has been stated as "that the one God exists in three Persons and one substance, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit".[4] Trinitarianism, belief in the Trinity, is a mark of Oriental and Eastern Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism and all the mainstream traditions arising from the Protestant Reformation, such as Anglicanism, Lutheranism and Presbyterianism; and the Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church describes the Trinity as "the central dogma of Christian theology".[4]

    This doctrine is not universally held by groups with ties to the New Testament, but is in contrast to Nontrinitarian positions which include Binitarianism (one deity/two persons), Unitarianism (one deity/one person), the Oneness belief held by certain Pentecostal groups, Modalism, and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' view of the Godhead as three separate beings who are one in purpose rather than essence.

    The doctrine of the Trinity was of particular importance historically. The conflict with Arianism and other competing theological concepts during the fourth century became the first major doctrinal confrontation in Church history. It had a particularly lasting effect within the Western Roman Empire where the Germanic Arians and the Nicene Christians formed segregated social orders.

  8. i agree but i'm not a Christian though

  9. It made for a good tale that kept the ignorant masses enthralled.

  10. Try sanity.

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