
Why is there a king ,who made them the king?

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i just want to know




  1. to be a leader , to rule the other , and the people choice  or by the latest royal family,

  2. the people....

  3. Well, depending on the country you are in, it was either God or tradition.  In either case, it could honestly be said that his parents made him king, unless there was an irregularity in the bloodline.  That is, normally the crown is hereditary, so it goes to the eldest son in the normal course of things.  But if the current king does not have a son, it may go to his eldest daughter, and there will be a queen, or it may go to his younger brother, or his younger brother's son.  Again, tradition usually dictates, but sometimes changes are forced by violence. If the old king is beheaded, the new one may be the one who ordered his beheading, rather than his son.

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