
Why is there a law that says girls wear skirts?

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I'm kind of a tomboy and I rarely wear skirts because they're, I dunno uncomfortable.. and I don't get why whenever I have to dress up for one of my sports teams we always have to wear a skirt, or why the little picture on the bathroom signs are always the stick figure wearing a skirt. xD I mean they never make guys wear skirts!




  1. I will never understand why someone wouldn't like wearing skirts.  Especially when you talk about comfort... what could possibly be more comfortable???

  2. there is no law...

  3. Gee! I have three kilts two in heavy cotton and one nice wool dress kilt

    (clan Gunn). they still wont let me use the door with the stick figure wearing a kilt. confusing!!!

  4. ummcuz bak then all they wore was skirts and dresses but at my school you can wear what ever you want as long as its dressy.

  5. Girls have the right to wear either pants or skirts.  Back in the 40's and 50's society tried to keep women in skirts.  But women refused to be forced into skirts.  They kept challenging social convention until society changed.  Now all girls are free to wear whatever they like.  (Except when you're part of a team and you have to wear a uniform.)

    Boys don't have thiis freedom.  They have never challenged social convention so they remain under the tyranny of trousers.  There is really nothing wrong with a guy wearing skirts, as long as he doesn't pretend to be transgendered.  

    I for one encourage men to challenge social convention and start wearing skirts and dresses.  

  6. Concerning hte pics on the bathroom door:

    It is the quickest way to destinguish, if they both would wear trousers, how would  you know whcih room to go to. It is a stereotypical clothing piece that everyone understands and therefore it is justified.

    Concerning this 'law' in your school: Firstly its not a law, but a rule. It might be a left over of former traditions, but primarily skirts are meant to 'force' you to act more womanly and like a lady. (Cross your legs, don't jump up and down etc.) This again upholds the reputation of a school.


  7. i hate wearing skirts 2 for some reason. But guys do wear skirts in Ireland but they call their skirts kilts i think

  8. Lol.  xD

    This made me laugh.  I don't like wearing skirts or dresses either.  They kinda make me feel uncomfortable, and I only wear stuff when it makes me feel good & confident.  I dunno, but your question made me laugh!  ;]]

  9. no such law is there

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