
Why is there a lot of comercials about saving the planet?

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Why is there a lot of comercials about saving the planet?




  1. the planet is in danger

  2. It's Earth Day.

    Even though we should be saving the planet everyday.

  3. Earth Day

  4. because today is earth day and this is earth week

  5. If you are referring to the commercials that were aired today, it's because today is Earth Day. But if you mean in general, well, there are numerous reasons. One, because, let's face it, our planet seriously needs saving from all of this pollution. Two, global warming is a huge issue right now and people don't want to die because of it. Three, because some businesses aren't even thinking or don't even caring about the planet, they air/produce those commercials to make themselves look good so that more people support them (but it's actually a good thing that they just care about business, because they're still helping the planet). There are so many more reasons, but those are the best ones I can think up at the moment.

  6. It's Earth Day, and uh, were DOOMED if we don't.


    RECYCLE! :]

  8. It's Earth Day and it would be in our best interest to do it.

  9. A lot of people consider environmentalism to be very important - especially today, because today (April 22nd) is Earth Day.

  10. 1. Because today is Earth Day.

    2. Because there is alot of global warming going on.

  11. ITS EARTH DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. cause its earth day, and a lot of people are worried about global warming so they are trying to make people more aware of the problem at hand

  13. The business of business is to satisfy needs. The business of advertisers is to create the perception of need if there wasn't one to begin with. Al Gore has handed business a golden opportunity by creating the need to save the planet. (Actually, the planet will survive whether we are walking around on it or not, so we are really thinking about saving our own butts.)

    Even the organizers of the business-funded "Earth Day" freely admit to the commercial implications and make no apologies for it. Essentially they are saying "Whatever it takes."  Despite my cynicism, I admire their frankness about that.

  14. bcuz its f***ing earth day, and we're f***ing killing the planet

  15. because if we dont save it that would be bad. animals plants and people will die

  16. Because this is Earth Day.

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