
Why is there a need for ERP as COE and Road Taxes already assist?

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Why is there a need for ERP as COE and Road Taxes already assist?




  1. There is a need for ERP as too much cars are on the road.You need to pay whenever you drive it. Nothing is for free. If you wish not to pay ERP than use a longer Road.ERP is impose is also to help to remind us not to pollute the air.The more you drive the more pollution you gives out from your car.Only one type of vehicle for you and you wont need to pay for ERP,COE and Road Taxes. BICYCLE.

  2. Motorists already pay for the roads about 40 times over ..

    It's just another Tax ..... the Government needs the money so they can squander it on more "administrators" for the "pulbic services"

    They can't print anymore money (that causes inflation, already running at 5%+ ) they can't borrow anymore (they are already close to, or exceeding, the limits) and they can't put up the basic rate of Tax (that will loose them the next election) so they just have to find other ways to raise money.

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