
Why is there a perception that the male gender is strong physically?

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After all the testicles are outside the body and one hit is enough to floor a male.

Also their is no inavsion of privacy when it comes to sterlization because vasectomy is not invasive at all.

Also why doesent the female gender target the groin of the male incase of the slightest arguement with a male because it isnt so serious now then is it????

Why doesent the female gender prove once and for all their overwhelming superiority when it comes to this aspect once and for all????





  1. It is thinking that way is to why people are thinking women can't have certain jobs. Some jobs like firefighting, construction, and astronauts are some.

    In firefighting sometimes you need someone to squeeze in tight spaces and because of a mans size they can not do it so they need a women to do that.

    And my twin brother is in construction and he says that sometimes a women is needed in these jobs. All jobs need a man and a women to be completed. Some things men can not do because of there size. In being an astronaut mens fingers are too big for a lot of jobs so they need women there. While I was in NASA helping in a issue one of the astronauts said they needed more female astronauts.

    Sometimes a persons greatest edge on someone can be there downfall too. Some things men can't do that women do and somes things women can't do men can. It is why we  need eachother. Doesn't make either of us better.

    Hope I helped.

  2. Men are generally stronger than women (overall, brute strength).  It's not just perception - it's a fact.

  3. All of this will be easly settled, there is a new day comming!!

    it is almost upon us, just watch!

  4. here's a feminist answer...."its called stereotyping"...."stop making generalizations".

  5. you make a good point man in search of, there has been way to many deletions here these days when ever a challenging question is asked. especially when it is about actual things that are going on in the world to day that is BS and shows that man are getting the hammer dropped on them and the finger points right at feminism. they don't like to see us bring it up they just want us to sit behind the lines and let it all unfold unchallenged.

  6. There's a perception that the male gender is strong physically because we ARE. Studies show that men tend to have a stronger upper body than women. That doesn't mean we're BETTER, it just means we're usually stronger.

    Women tend to have better balance does that make them any better? No.

    And what do your arguments for vasectomies and testicles being external have to do with STRENGTH?

  7. Oh no, it's the ball-kicking fetish guy in disguise! Beware!

  8. Because they keep telling us that they are stronger therefore women should not have certain jobs.   The one most frequently mentioned is firefighter.  My fire captain brother does not mind having women in his unit.

  9. Yep it's a very bad design fault to have the most important and sensitive organs outside the body with no protection!

    But just buy one of these, we could never hurt such a cute furry little animal!

  10. It's just a plain fact that men are generally much larger and stronger then women.

    Vasectomy is invasive. Any surgery or medical procedure is invasive.

    The testicles are not easy to hit unless you have the element of surprise. Even your basic boxing stance is effective. It would be ridiculous for someone to attack a person over an arguement. It is even more outrageous, let alone completely dishonorable, to arbitrarily attack a persons genitals. I would wager that a blow between the legs would drop a female too. Most males however, have the honour and respect to not attack someone so dangerously and personally.

  11. *sigh* really mate, women are not superior, but you are definitely acting crackers lately.  I once looked up to you man!

  12. Men are stronger than women, especially in the upper body where the difference in strength is enormous.  that's why men and women have seperate events in most sports, because women could never beat men at most of them.

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