
Why is there a pet section ?

by  |  earlier

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haha, why do people even ask Questions about there pets on here ?

90% of the answers are "take him/her to the vet

" and then the other 10% is jokes like "hit him/her in the head with a giant spoon"

Anyways just a little thing i was thinking about, have a good night




  1. It's not all about pets health, There are question on here for

    Training tips.


    Difference between breeds

    Iv soon people looking for support for pet lose

    Pet exercise

    Stuff that that you can get from a vet but is not a life or death thing so ne need to spend a lot of money just to ask a him or her a couple of questions.

    But i agree there are a lot of questions on here that the only good answer for them is too see a vet. Which is really the best thing cuz when it comes to your pests health and well being who would you want to trust more ? a Licensed Vet ? or a Stranger sitting in front of there Computer ?

    Same Gose for every other Section in here. it would be best to seek out a professional. Any Questions i ask in here it's really more to give me a good idea of what to accept on what ever my question is.

    I dont think the Joke answers is more about 25% other then 10% lot of Children on here  

  2. Well that's kinda the point of the answers ask questions.  It's no more misplaced than the beauty section or the gaming section.

  3. Believe it or not, I've actually seen intelligent questions and answers here, and people can and do say stupid things in the other sections as well.  So you might as well be wondering why Y!A exists at all.

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