
Why is there a stigma label attached to social workers?

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other than because they "take your children away"




  1. Take a look at what they did to those people (Mothers) in Texas. They take children and cause heart ache all in the name of protecting children. (Don't they do that in Communist Countries?) It's called job security. They (Social workers) are out of control.

  2. "THEY" are not out of control.  I happen to work with these people every day.  I see pics and hear stories of children who are abused and molested.  They only remove in the most extreme of situations due to the policies and law.  They cant just take your kid because they "feel" like it .  The situation has to meet policy standard and the law.  Most of the time, they even remove without law enforcement filing charges.  Which in essence, gives the S****y parents a break--the parent should be charged.  Social Workers only take kids when their parents are participating in illegal or inappropriate activity with the child present.  So, if people want to attach a stigma to a group of workers who are collectively trying to better the lives of children  (when their pathetic ignorant ******** parents wont), then label away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any fool who would want to belittle someone for trying to help should be ashamed.  If anyone who wants to label could see the faces in the pics I have seen, kids who are covered in cig burns, with bruises all over their bodies, their hair ripped out, broken bones, their testicles swollen to 4x the normal size, 14 month old females who are ripped apart from a**s to v****a because her father had s*x with her, little girls who tell stories about their daddies and the white stuff that comes out when he takes "it" out of her mouth.  PUT that stigma all over them, they may be the person who saves a kid.....

  3. My wife works with social workers. Her take is that social workers are the most dysfunctional group pf people out there.

    But I already knew that. And yes, they like to take children from homes because its called job security.

  4. I'm not a social worker but I don't feel that they have a stigma.  They are doing a much needed job w/o the resources to do it better.  And their pay is lousy.  It is also a job with few rewards; I doubt very much that they get much in the way of thanks.  And as far as I'm concerned they don't remove enough children from their homes because of lack of personnel.  Far too many children suffer from abuse & neglect.

    Its not a job I would wish upon anyone but am glad that there are enough people out there who feel a calling to help those who need it the most.

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