
Why is there a wall in the middle of my sink dividing it in two?

by  |  earlier

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What's the purpose?




  1. One for soap, the other for rinse water.

    Or one for dirty dishes, the other for soapy one waiting for rinse.

    Or one for dishes, the other thawing a chicken.

    I.e., I don't think there's a strict purpose.

  2. Wash / Rinse and/ or drain.

  3. To have 2 sinks!  One for dirty dishes, one for clean.  One to peel vegetables, one to fill the cooking pot.  One for soapy water, one for rinse water.  They still make single tub sinks so if it is not convenient for you then change it!!

  4. This gives you two basins instead of one. That way, you can have one filling up with dirty dishes while still having a way to rinse off other dishes, wash your hands, etc. Some sinks even have 3 basins, two larger ones on the sides and a small one in the middle for the garbage disposal.

    Some people even have multiple sinks in their kitchens, one in the regular location and one somewhere else, like a kitchen island. This is called a preparation sink. It allows you to rinse off vegetables or whatever before preparing them to be cooked or eaten.

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