
Why is there a war in Iraq?

by Guest62222  |  earlier

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I've never really understood why there is a war. Can someone give a simple explanation of what the situation was, and why it is going on. I know it sounds dumb, its just i was never reading newspapers when it started, and always felt behind subsequently. Thanks




  1. Money and oil.War creates jobs,lots of shiny new missiles,and Bush is in the pocket of the big arms manufacturers.Iraq was once the most westernised of the Arab nations,now it is h**l on earth.It's not hard to find the real reasons,and any sensible person will tell you if Iraq had these fabled WMD's there would never have been an invasion,and the message sent out to other not so friendly states that if they have Nuclear arms,then they have very little to worry about.Bush and Blair should be brought before the Hague.

  2. Because they're not Irish Catholics and they, and the countries around them, are geographically strategic and abound with oil.

  3. Simple September 11, 2001 New York City Twin Towers gone.

  4. becuase of the money problem and the fighting for free rights in iraq

  5. The plan was to go in, take over, establish a base right next door to the real intended target (at the expense of thousands of Iraqi lives).They hadn't counted on the insurgency or tribal fighting getting in the way so unsurprisingly it's a complete mess now.Well done George.

  6. we could care less about someones freedom. it,s about israel,oil,religion.

  7. US president thought that saddam had nuclear weapons!

  8. US invaded to prevent a terrorist attack.  Preemptive attack.

    Turns out Saddam didn't have the WMD, so now the US is staying until the Iraqi government can function on its own.  Us will happily leave when even the semblance of order has returned.

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