
Why is there a world court anyway shouldnt every nation rule on its own laws on its own land

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Why is there a world court anyway shouldnt every nation rule on its own laws on its own land




  1. They should but they don't!

  2. It was the International Court that put Slobadan Milosevic on trial, and the whole bloody trial took 4 years, and never reached a verdict because he died while on trial. It was a disgrace of justice. International Law seems to allow any crime against the USA, while women are abused in so many countries with no enforcement. The whole thing is governed by the UN, one of the most corrupt organizations on earth, and no one was ever found guilty in their oil-for-food scandal.

  3. not for something that affected more than one country

  4. Yes but none really lisen to the wourld courte the onl thing they really do is try war crinimals if they try to intervein in a nations buisness the nations superme court usualy overules in a way it is pointless  

  5. They... do... the world court only helps manage extradition and war crimes.

  6. if you abide by this rule, explain why we went to iraq ... isn't this a double standard ? nobody has the right to mess with our business, but we have the right to mess with theirs ?

  7. perhaps you have noticed that since time immemorial, different sovereign entities have had interactions with each other, and that leads to disputes from time to time.

    Hence there are various dispute resolution methods that have evolved, ranging from war to diplomacy and everything inbetween.

  8. Who knows why there is a World Court, and I agree that each Country should run it's own.  I guess the World Court is there to ensure there is some level of fairness to the process.  Their track record is not good in this area though.

    As far as ruling our own, we should.  

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