
Why is there almost no outcry against movies like, "Saw" and "Hostel"?

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There is something severely wrong with a culture that goes to watch people being tortured as entertainment. These movies are desensitizing our generation to the most severe forms of violence.

I think that a person who goes to watch the Saw movies and other "torture-p**n" movies has something severely wrong with them. I could NEVER sit through a movie like that, and I'd probably need to seek counseling for it, probably because my parents didn't let me watch movies when I was little, so I missed the first stage of desensitization




  1. Years ago when "Pulp Fiction" came out, my then teen-aged son said he had seen it, and it was funny.

    Hey, I'm always up for a good comedy, so we rented it, and I was horrified that he would think that "shocking" was the same thing as "funny."  We sat down and had a long talk about the source of what he found to be "funny," and it was the sheer unexpectedness of the violence, the vulgarity of the comments that made him twitter.  To my relief, he wasn't reveling in the mayhem, but rather the discomfort was expressed as laughter.  We've had a good many conversations as he has become an adult about the content of movies, and to my delight, he is quite analytical about his own responses, and only recommends movies that he thinks have merit beyond the ability to shock me or gross me out.

    There may be outcries you don't hear in homes around the country.  I surely hope that such is the case, but I fear that far too few parents are even aware that their kids have watch those movies, let alone involved with discussing the content with the kids.

    I do not support the movies you mentioned with my own entertainment dollar, and when my now 11 year old walks by them on display at the movie rental store, he knows that there is no point in even asking.  I quiz him about what he sees when he visits a friend, and we discuss those films that I wouldn't show him at home.  In fact, we discuss the ones I would show at home.

    Talking to our kids may be the only real solution because whether you and I pay for it or not, the money is there or the films wouldn't be made.

  2. The Hound nailed it!  Don't see it if you don't like it, and that is why there are movie ratings also.  Sad but some people can't tend to their kids so the movie industry had to jump in!

  3. They are just movies.

    Just because they portray violence doesn't mean they are advocating violence.  

  4. adrenalin rush.  

  5. your thinking of it wrong..

    while i will agree with you that torture p**n is very abscene..

    i would have to say that saw movie goers are different.

    when i seen the first saw, there after i could only think of the planning that they had to do for that and the unreal idea of that much preperation..

    you look at the masterization of killing, not the killing itself.

  6. i have watched all of the saw movies, and i believe myself to be one of the most sensitive guys in my entire school, thanks all the same.

    and the 'desensitisation' you speak of has nothing to do with the movies themselves, but rather the deterioration found in all culture, and has nothing to do with the movies themselves.

    just because you strongly dislike 'torture-p**n' movies, doesnt mean they are the cause of something as serious as what you say they are. i will not try and change your opinion, it is your right to have one, but you might want to think a little more before posting another question like this.

  7. Your right I can't watch those movies either there soo ******** stupid, I don't get what makes them so cool its just some sick shlt.  Its not like a normal horror movie like Jason or Holloween its just people being tortured and its FU_CKIN retarded.  How anyone can watch that shlt I don't know.  Its just something about these movies its just creepy, I play the worst and most violent video games cranked all the way up so as to not distort the gore.  Gore is kick *** but people being tortured is just g*y its just weird when they don't give someone a fighting chance and tie them up to kill them freeeekin cowards.

    But they will just think we are crazy I have no problem with others watching this shlt but I will not watch it.  It just shows what our society has become when we enjoy the torture of helpless people.  

  8. blah blah blah blah

    it's because most people believe in a concept called "freedom of choice".  If you don't like it, don't go.  But your opinion shouldn't prevent others from exercising their rights.

    edit:  righto, so if the FCC regulates these kinds of movies, why do you need to ask this question?

    I just think people should be able to choose for themselves how they spend their time, and other people really don't have the right to enforce their opinion on them.

  9. Ever hear of the First Amendment?

    There is no greater evil then censorship.

    Keep your moralist babel to yourself and to those you control, and let a free society decide for itself.

    Clarification:  babel - "A confused mixture of sounds or voices." []. NOT "babble", which gives the asker too much credit for coherent thought.

  10. wow i must be messed up then. why do you care what other people do. those movies arent real and some people like to watch scary movies. get over yourself seriously

  11. This question seems like it should be an extension of an even LARGER question...why do we continue to subsidize the c**p the bleeds from Hollywood to begin with? Using a lesser example, about 6 years ago when the first Spiderman came out, I realized they have begun a sort of dumbing down of their scripts in an effort to appeal to the lowest common denominator of viewers, after walking out of that movie, I realized I no longer fit into the demographics of "movie goers" per se.

    Since then, I have regulated myself to only seeing (and thus paying for) one movie year...and after I drop my $9 I realize, "d**n, I just wasted 2 hours and well-earned money on some garbage that was adapted for the screen to appeal to a bunch of lemmings.

    Regardless, it all comes down to money, just like everything else. It's unfortunate that we have a society that relegates itself to movies in general and meanwhile the industry is sucking in billions of dollars a year and retains it's efforts to make one feel lesser of themselves both in their self-image, as well as intellectually. That goes for TV as well...why do we continue to have these "reality" shows that delve into this culturation phenomena of lowering all our self efficacies? While we're at it, sports entertainment also contributes to the same message.

    We have athletes "earning" hundreds of millions and products endorsing them paying them multiple millions, because you go buy the c**p they say is worthwhile...and yet, we have home foreclosures, bankruptcies, dropout rates and divorces pervasive throughout the country and meanwhile the "common" family structure is eroding to an overall lack of personal responsibility and accountability as a whole...

    Movies like "Saw" and "Hostel", of which I haven't seen, are only the tip of the iceberg...we don't even encourage reading books anymore, which lends to a society of impatient, unimaginative sheeple, unable to think for themselves, or, God forbid, go outside and do something productive.

    If you think none of this correlates, take a look at the lists I made of societal decay (which is different than the "right-wing" fanatical definition of "moral decay") and also include obesity rates, diabetes, overall health problems, mental health disorders relating to "depression" and the like and you'll see why we are in a downward spiral of apathy and disconnectedness.

    Buuuut, you don't have to take my word for it. Just take an objective look at society's values and priorities and one can see we're in deep, deep doo-doo.



  12. They are just movies.  I think that if you want to see a movie like that then nobody should be able to say anything about it.  I myself love these movies, but then again, I am a very violent person.  I enjoy watching movies like this because if I didn't get out my violence on movies & tv then I would have probably killed somebody by now.  I need a way to vent my anger & these movies are the way to do it.  That may have made me sound like a serial killer but I could never kill somebody...because of these movies.  I see people being killed & tortured, & that makes me think, I couldn't even imagine seeing my worst enemy being tortured like that.

    So I see these movies as a way to vent anger & even a way to teach somebody how to not vent anger.

  13. I love the movies.  I also write them. And watch them. I also fantasize about them as well.  They are great movies, but thy are not for everyone.

    The only thing that has changed over time is the medium, not the immoral messages.  Every human dreams of murder, killing, bloodshed, to some degree, it's who we are.  Anyone that tells you they have lived their whole life and never once daydreamed about pushing someone down a flight of stairs, or cutting the brake lines or cooking a meal with poison, is a liar.  It happens.

    In the 50's it was on the radio, the 60's and 70's it was on TV in the form of cartoons.  This carried over to the 80's (Tom and Jerry not being violent? no one would have watched cartoons) in the 90's we got bored and switched to live action, video games violence increase and then "real life" with real humans in the theater.

    It will continue on, and it will change forms, but it will always be there.

    As for your specific example, Saw and Hostel are extremist movies, but are no more disturbing to us as a whole today than was the early cartoons of the 70's.

    Books are worse, far worse, but reading is good, watching tv is bad.

    That is why children have parent's and parent's are guided by the FCC.  Which, btw, is not a censorship powerhouse as you think, but a panel of (sometimes) reasonable adults that offer their professional outlook on films, shows, and entertainment to give feedback to the parent and consumer so they may make an informed decision.

  14. I want to say how much I agree with you and how deeply disturbing this is in our culture today. It is not an issue of freedom of speech, anyone who answers that way is foolish and near sighted. We regulate every form of media in this country and for good reason. From hate speech to "snuff" films this trash has no business being allowed to create profit it is harmful to society and can lead to endangerment of life. I personally do not know how far Hollywood is going to be allowed to go with this, but as concerned citizens we need to begin now speaking out. This is far more harmful to society then "p**n" and yet it is shown in theaters right next to family movies with posters that are extremely offensive! Young children should not have this trash inflicted on them.  

  15. Actually the only reason there ARE movies like that is because the public,,in the necessary amounts goes to see them..Its the power of the markets..Or Capitalism at work.. The day comes when monetarily they aren't profitable,,there will be no more made..There also are ratings which each film is given to inform the consumer of its content and graphic nature.. AND the final judge is the public..I personally find them boring,,because the premise and conclusion to all of them is always predictable..I rarely view them.. The gore and blood is what they are about.. Period !! There are volumes of movies which the public never sees,,which are rated by ''X's" .. Yet they are available in s*x stores for sale for home use.. So what you find objectionable to you,,can be scrutinized by yourself so you'll never have to be in the situation to be offended or surprised,,unfavorably !! The larger issue will always be,,that my moral concepts and beliefs,,can never be forced on you or anyone else.. And likewise,,your moral concepts and beliefs can not prevent someone else from exercising theirs.. Fortunately,, we live in a free country,,and having said that,,as long as what you wish to do or view is legal,, the option of the person is what rules..   SOLOMON

  16. i fully agree, its complete gore, revolting violence that is purposely put in production to promote violence evil degradation and desensitisation.

  17. Everyone has the freedom to choose what he/she wants to watch. If you don't like it, well then frankly it's no reason to start an outcry.

    I find your argument entirely close-minded and insulting; whose to say everyone has to have the same likes and dislikes as you? And personally, I like Saw not for the plain fact that they are torturing people, but because there is some depth behind what they are doing. It might be obscene and grotesque, but it's not completely mindless.    

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